Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Have you heard the expression, “it takes a village”? I have a different take on this than most people. It is not about raising the child, it’s about raising the mom!Continue Reading
5 Tips for Managing Your Home While Homeschooling
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling is learning how to also manage your home. It can be so difficult to figure out how to make sure the dishes getContinue Reading
5 Things You Can Do to Start Your Homeschool Day Off Right
I know that in order to homeschool, you NEED children to homeschool, right? So it’s safe to say they’re pretty indispensable, yes? Well, what about homeschooling moms? In this post, we will talk about 5 things that moms can do to start their homeschool day right. Moms are the teachers, assistants, principals, disciplinarians, lunch ladies,Continue Reading
3 Steps to Help You Love The Season You’re In
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. I don’t consider myself a gal who has it all together but coming upon six years of homeschooling, I’ve had to navigate a speed bump or two. So much so thatContinue Reading
3 Tips to Survive Homeschooling with Chronic Illness
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Maybe it’s time to stop homeschooling. You tried really hard, but it’s just not working. When the school year started, you were feeling fairly healthy. You were getting out of bedContinue Reading
Tips for Homeschooling with Little Ones
If you’re homeschooling with little ones, you know what a challenge it can be to teach your older children, while keeping your younger ones happy and safe. Add in the fact that it is also a crucial period for your little one’s brain development, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It really can feel likeContinue Reading
How to Overcome a Homeschool Slump with Delight-Directed Learning
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. We’ve all been there as homeschool moms — the shiny new curriculum that looked so great in the fall is suddenly lackluster after the holidays. One of our kids hates math,Continue Reading
How and Why to Add Educational Travel to Your Homeschool
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Educational travel is becoming more and more popular among homeschooling families. Why? Because it adds fun and real-life learning into our homeschools! Yes, most of us like to add fun intoContinue Reading
6 Strategies for Homeschooling on One Income
Money doesn’t grow on trees, and homeschool families feel that keenly. Studies show that upwards of two-thirds of homeschooling families live on one income. So if this is you, know that you are not alone! Public school education costs might make your head spin too. The average spent nationally in 2016 was $11,762 per child,Continue Reading
5 Clues to Inspire a Love of Learning in Your Homeschool
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. I don’t normally share facts & figures, but this might cause you to reconsider your homeschool. One day after listening to a guest speaker in his Environmental Design class, myContinue Reading