When surveying homeschool parents about their most difficult subject to teach or add in to their homeschool day, they consistently answer fine arts. But how do you teach fine arts when you know nothing about music, art, theater or any other form of fine arts? Most people think since my husband and I both haveContinue Reading
How to Quickly Plan and Prep Activities For Little Ones
Homeschooling both littles and big kids can be a challenge. They both can be independent at times and need you at times. It may seem like you get one kid set up and working, then the next needs you immediately. No time for peace on top of planning and prepping activities for each of them.Continue Reading
What Qualifies You to Homeschool Your Kids?
The best homeschool help I received, came from a mom of six (just like me) who patiently listened to my every concern. She was getting ready to graduate kid number six, and she seemed so incredibly calm. I called her in tears one day; it was the end of our first official semester. I wasContinue Reading
Creating a Learning-Rich Environment in Your Homeschool
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Homeschooling does not need to be a schedule of events separate from home life. Homeschooling can be a peaceful, relaxed, always-learning lifestyle. No matter which homeschooling methodology you gravitate towards, aContinue Reading
Establishing Goals for Your Homeschool
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Some people come by goals naturally. I am most comfortable when I am armed with a to-do list and a clear vision. Others are just as successful with vague dreams andContinue Reading
Self-Care for the Homeschool Mom
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. I am the kind of mama who tried to bounce a crying baby on my knee while using the toilet. I am the kind of mama who could have made returnsContinue Reading
5 Tips for Managing Multiple Ages in Your Homeschool
I’ve never had the experience of homeschooling only one child. My children are so close in age that by the time we reached the school years, I had a first grader, kindergartner, toddler, and infant. Life was always busy. Many homeschool moms have multiple children- some many children!- and you’ve likely felt the overwhelm thatContinue Reading
Homeschooling in Spite of Chaos and Clutter
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Brittany juggled the baby on one hip while she carefully stepped over Legos® to reach for a coffee cup. After pouring herself a steamy mug of caffeine, she headed for theContinue Reading
Homeschooling Isn’t Easy But It’s Worth It
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. You may feel unqualified to “teach” your children, but somehow that becomes the smallest of obstacles while homeschooling. There’s more to it than meets the eye and you soon find outContinue Reading
6 Benefits of Homeschooling High School
If you are a homeschooler and those high school years are approaching, you’ve probably asked yourself, Can I really teach high school? There are many reasons I hear people say they “can’t” homeschool through high school, but I have to say that even if you’ve found yourself in that camp, grab “a cuppa”, get comfyContinue Reading