Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. Does your home look like the beautiful Pinterest and Instagram images you see in your feeds each day? Neither does mine. But I continue scrolling Pinterest and saving beautiful home ideasContinue Reading
6 Ways to Help Your Child Fall In Love With Reading
A deep-rooted love of reading begins in early childhood. The fastest and most effective route to helping children fall in love with reading is creating a positive family attitude towards books. Making books a prominent feature in your home will ensure your child develops a healthy appreciation for literature. The first place to start isContinue Reading
How to Homeschool When Life Gets Tough
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. If you scan homeschool groups, you will inevitably see posts from moms who are burned out, stressed out, and possibly flipped out. No amount of coffee can fix it. Considerations forContinue Reading
Keeping Meals Simple for Homeschool Moms
Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series! Just click the image below. As a homeschooling mom, there are likely two things that dominate your time . . . homeschooling the kids and time in the kitchen. Educating your children is a wonderful experienceContinue Reading
5 Ways to be Intentional With Unschooling
Unschooling. This homeschooling label has a lot of moms intrigued but often intimidated, simply because it sounds like a recipe for a chaotic and unorganized lifestyle. However, in recent years, unschooling has grown in popularity because of its flexibility and amazing benefits. Parents are seeing the positive side of unschooling, especially when it comes toContinue Reading
7 Reasons You Are an Amazing Homeschool Mom
I think it was one February when I first felt the chilly avalanche of self-doubt sliding over me. I’ve always been an overachiever and perfectionist, two things—as time and experience would teach me—completely incompatible with sane homeschooling. My first child persisted in refusing to grasp the skill of reading despite the number of ways andContinue Reading
Getting Ready for a New Homeschool Year
There’s something about a fresh start. And I think that’s one of the most appealing things that propel many into getting right to new goals. But it’s almost a tricky thing to balance. Often times we want a fresh start because we haven’t liked how some things are going. Namely, how busy we homeschooling familiesContinue Reading