I know that in order to homeschool, you NEED children to homeschool, right? So it’s safe to say they’re pretty indispensable, yes? Well, what about homeschooling moms? In this post, we will talk about 5 things that moms can do to start their homeschool day right.
Moms are the teachers, assistants, principals, disciplinarians, lunch ladies, nurses, playground/recess monitors and they wear many more hats than the ones mentioned. It is important that moms take good care of themselves and make their well-being a priority.
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Start Your Homeschool Day Off Right
Take a look at these 5 bits of advice that have helped me and many other homeschooling moms start our days off on the right foot.
1. Don’t jump out of bed right away.
Take a minute to stretch and come up with a visual of what you have on your schedule that day. I personally like to take a few minutes to envision my day, run through that day’s schedule and say a prayer over my day.
It really does give me a sense of direction and I place my goals up front and center. It also helps me to communicate them to my husband so he’s on the same page as me and I can recruit his help, if I need it.
2. Drink a full glass of water as you get ready.
And while you’re at it, why not go a step further and take a vitamin supplement? It can give your body an added boost to better your wellbeing overall.
Water is one of your best allies, believe it or not. I love how drinking water in the morning helps me to feel more fit (in my body) and it helps me to think more clearly.
It also helps me avoid getting dehydration headaches, it keeps my body more ready when I work out, but more importantly, it helps me offset my coffee drinking.
3. Keep talking to a minimum and your positive attitude to the maximum.
Starting the day by giving the kids too many instructions will take you nowhere fast. You will find that you are repeating yourself to no end and it will frustrate everyone involved. Trust me, it’s not fun having to repeat ourselves over and over!
Instead, take the time to laminate a sheet of paper for all the kids or one for each individual kid. Use dry erase markers to write down morning routines that kids can follow on their own when they wake up.
4. Communicate (in writing) with your children.
Communicate your expectations, slowly, calmly and at close proximity (avoid yelling from one room to the other). Again, this is where lists for kids (or even chore charts) can be really handy.
Don’t feel bad for looking too strict! It is so important to streamline your mornings as much as possible because it will really make or break the rest of your day. Now, if things start off wrong, there is room to rectify, but why fix something that can be prevented in the first place.
Our goal as moms is not just to educate our kids, but it’s also to teach them how to encourage and foster a sense of peace. Communication is key to peace. It avoids misunderstandings, assumptions and more opportunities of “forgetful disobedience” (this is when kids disobey due to not remembering everything they’re supposed to do).
5. Treat yourself today with something that makes you smile.
It doesn’t have to be something expensive or time-consuming. Make yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or any drink that is comforting to you to sip throughout your homeschool day. I recommend using a mug with a lid that will keep your hot drink hot for hours.
As your children are older, they will be more independent in their homeschooling. You still need to be there, in case they need you, but you can do something for yourself. You can also have a book that you’ve been wanting to read or if you’ve been wanting to take an online course, this would be a good time to do something for yourself.
Since I’m a blogger, I take the time for 30 minutes while my kids are doing their independent courses, I put on my earphones and listen to an online blogging course. I also take my pile of magazines and take a few minutes a day to flip through them. I actually find good tips and recipes for dinner.
I hope you found these as helpful as they have been to us in our homeschool! These tips have made our mornings a lot calmer and easier, once they have become a routine for us. Give them a try! I think you’ll be glad you did!
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