We have started using a new history curriculum this year, Mystery of History. I have struggled for the last several years on a history program that we like and that is a good fit for our family. Plus, I kept going back and forth on whether I wanted my kids to study AmericanContinue Reading
Max’s Birth
Max is a month old already! I thought it was about time I finished up his birth story and posted it for inquiring minds and those of you that enjoy birth stories. ** Parts of this story mentions bodily fluids and female anatomy; consider yourself warned. ** I guess you canContinue Reading
How to Homeschool During the Post Partum Period
We’ve been homeschooling since our oldest was in kindergarten, which makes this our 6th year of homeschooling. During those 6 years, we have welcomed 4 new babies into our family. And with those babies came a lot of change. Along the way, I’ve learned that if you are going to be a homeschooler and continueContinue Reading
Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Girl! {and a birth story}
Four years ago I was so thrilled and thankful to experience a natural birth, my one and only natural birth. It was an indescribable experience, and at the end of it all, we were blessed with our sweet, little Lauren. It’s a little cliche, but I can’t believe it’s been four years. Our family wouldContinue Reading
Highlights of 2012
Another year gone by, another one just ahead. Our family has so much to be thankful for! We have had quite a year, and are beyond blessed! The Lord has been working in many different areas of our lives this past year. He has been strengthening our faith, teaching us patience andContinue Reading
As I prepared to get in the shower for the first time since bringing our newborn son home, I was stopped by the reflection of my naked self in the mirror. It was an image of a woman that looked 4-5 months pregnant, even though she was no longer growing life within her. It wasContinue Reading
Wrap Up {Preparing For Baby}
Well, that wraps up the Preparing For Baby series. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. * In the introduction to the series I mentioned that I would be including a post about homeschooling during the post partum period; I did not end up writing that postContinue Reading
I’m interrupting the Preparing For Baby Series to introduce you to who I have been preparing for! Birth Story (the short version): Water broke at 2am Arrived at hospital at 3am I was 2-3cm on arrival and contracting irregularly Started Pitocin at 5am and was still about 3cm EpiduralContinue Reading
To-Do List {Preparing For Baby}
Welcome to the Preparing For Baby series. This series will run for two weeks (Dec. 3-7 & Dec. 17-21). If you missed any past posts in the series, just click the links below. Preparing For Baby {a series} – intro Labor Playlist Scriptures for pregnancy, labor, & delivery Prayers for Labor Advice for First-Time Moms Continue Reading
Postpartum Freezer Meals {with FREE Freezer Inventory Printable}
To read more posts in the Preparing for Baby Series, just click on the graphic above. I can not stress enough how important it is to make and freeze meals before baby comes! This is a must-do for any expecting mom. Even if you have a meal support system in place (church,Continue Reading