I have been on a hunt for the past couple of years for a writing curriculum that is a good fit for our family. I have been looking for a curriculum that is easy to use for both parent and student, one that promotes independence and builds confidence in the student, one that doesn’t requireContinue Reading
18 Tactile Spelling Activities
These spelling activities are a great way to spice up your spelling lessons. Spelling is just one of those things that you need to learn in life, but it doesn’t have to be boring. Weekly lists and worksheets can get tedious after awhile, so why not add in some movement and activity to make itContinue Reading
Homeschooling in a Crisis – Life IS the Lesson
I can’t say that we have ever homeschooled during a crisis, or even experienced a crisis, thankfully. When I think of a crisis I think of a death in the family, a natural disaster, loss of a job, or a major illness. However, we have experienced life events that interrupt our regular schooling scheduleContinue Reading
12 Of Our Favorite Toys, Games, & Puzzles
When you are a homeschooler of multiple children, it’s a good idea to have activities on hand that will occupy the hands of the littles in your home. Here is a list of our go-to toys, games, and puzzles that tend to keep my younger children busy while I’m tackling school with myContinue Reading
Schooling in the Kitchen – It’s Not Just About Cooking
When you think about schooling in the kitchen, the first thing that probably comes to mind is teaching your kids how to cook and using math in the kitchen. But it can be so much more! Cooking with your kids is an excellent opportunity to teach cooking skills and incorporate math, but don’tContinue Reading
Delight-Directed Homeschooling – What is it?
I have been homeschooling using an eclectic approach for 6 years now, and it wasn’t until this past year that I first heard of Delight-Directed Homeschooling. I was quite intrigued by the little bit that I read about it, but never further investigated what this schooling method was all about. So when IContinue Reading
READS Parent/Child Reading Comprehension System {a review}
One of my biggest concerns as a homeschooler is wondering if my kids are comprehending what they are reading. Once they become more independent with their reading and don’t need me by their side as they read, I feel a bit out of the loop. Do they understand what they are reading? Is it makingContinue Reading
Consignment Sale Tips & Advice
Last year I did a three-part series with tips on consignment sale-ing. With consignment season just around the corner, I thought I would link to all my tips in one post and re-post them for all the new readers out there and for anyone that may have missed them the first time around. Continue Reading
My Twins are 2!! {and a birth story}
Wow! It seems like yesterday that I was anticipating their arrival. I didn’t think they were ever going to come out. After carrying them for 39 weeks 6 days, they were finally evicted, and boy, was I ready! Can you tell? Here they are on their BIRTH-day! Benjamin weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces,Continue Reading
15 Fun and Tasty Easter Treats
Yesterday I shared a dozen faith-based Easter crafts that I found throughout the blogosphere and today I’d like to share with you some fun and yummy-looking treats that I found as well. We’ve already enjoyed making the Rice Krispie Peeps at our house and can’t wait to try some of these other goodies this month.Continue Reading