When the winter season arrives, all too often the winter cold tags along. Once one family member gets sick, it is likely that the cold will make it’s way through the entire family. That includes you, the homeschool mom, after all you take care of everyone else while they have the cold, so it is probableContinue Reading
Praising Your Kids Can Help Your Homeschool
As a parent there is one area that I’m striving to be better at because I’ve seen just how much of an impact it has made in my children’s attitudes, personalities and self-esteem when I have focused on it. I’ve also noticed that it helps my children throughout their homeschool days as well! Children oftenContinue Reading
How to Ease Back Into Homeschooling
After spending countless hours researching homeschool curriculum and planning for the upcoming homeschool year it is easy to want to jump right in with a full schedule. Yet, is this the best way to begin a new homeschool year? It is hard to want to hold yourself back from opening all of those new homeschoolContinue Reading
5 Summer Activities for When Your Children Are Bored
Even as year round homeschoolers there are times when my children are bored. This makes complete sense when you consider what our summer homeschooling looks like, because there are still many hours in the day when children are awake. I do believe it is important for our children to be bored sometimes because in thoseContinue Reading
3 Ways to Help Your Family Thrive This Summer
Summer can be the busiest time of year for families because the long summer days provide extra hours to fit in more activities. While this may seem to be a great way to spend time together as a family, is being busier in the summertime really what your family needs to thrive? Does staying busy allContinue Reading
5 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Through the Summer
We’ve been year round homeschoolers for the last 4 years. Choosing to move to a year round homeschooling schedule was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my children’s education. After 3 years of hearing how bored my children were for 12 weeks and spending at minimum 6 weeks reviewing the last year’s MathContinue Reading
10 Spring Cleaning Tasks for Kids
The long days of winter tend to keep everyone in the house a bit more than they usually are in the other 3 seasons of the year, which is why it is necessary to browse around this site and prepare your home. Temperatures drop, winter colds make their way through everyone in the family andContinue Reading
A Mother’s Guide to Finding Peace
When you use words to describe the typical mother’s day, peace is not one that you’ll often hear. A few common words used to describe a mother’s day are; busy, tiring and full. There are few days in a mother’s life can be described as peaceful. I believe that in order for words like; joy,Continue Reading
5 Ways to Have Fun Indoors with Your Kids All Winter Long
The winter season is upon us and it will be around for quite a while. Typically winter means that our kids will be inside more than they are outside. Therefore, it is essential that you prepare and plan ahead for the long winter months to ensure that you and your kids stay sane and haveContinue Reading
Start Your Homeschool Fresh in the New Year
After the holidays it can be difficult to get back on track and begin homeschooling again. It’s important to remember that children do best with consistency and a schedule, so after the Thanksgiving and Christmas craziness homeschooling is often just what they need. The new year is coming soon and with your first three monthsContinue Reading