If you are human and if you are a Mom, you’ll know what I’m talking about here. You know those days where everything goes wrong? I mean EVERYTHING – from the moment you wake up, the children are arguing, you dump the carton of milk on the floor, burn the toast and realize you’re outContinue Reading
Bubble Paint Flowers Craft for Kids
My favorite flower in the whole wide world is the hydrangea. I love the big blooms and the different colors that blend together so perfectly. My problem is my less-than-green thumb. So I highly discourage my husband and children from giving me plants, because I am guaranteed to kill them in a shockingly short periodContinue Reading
Discovering Dandelions
I grew up believing dandelions were wretched, pesky weeds. As a child, I remember being sent outside with a garden trowel and a pail with the job of digging dandelions from the yard. It was a dreadful punishment! This belief was only reinforced when I bought my own home and received more than one threateningContinue Reading
How to Refresh your Marriage with a Personality Test
When I first met my husband, I absolutely loved and celebrated all of his crazy little quirks – and there were plenty! He was a list-maker and a researcher, very focused and determined, a rule-follower with a high ethical standard. He challenged me on every level and I loved it. But years have a wayContinue Reading
Thumb Print Clay Diffusers
Happy Valentine’s Day! I stink at Valentine’s Day. I never know what to give my dearest husband, so his gift usually ends up being some awkward card. My kids, on the other hand, spend weeks creating all manner of Valentine’s Day crafts. I’m sure the intention is to give them to my husband and I onContinue Reading
Bird Masks for Bird Brains
Getting back on to a solid homeschooling schedule after the Holidays KILLS me. Every time. We don’t even take as much time off as the public school kids, yet it is still such a challenge to get back on track! I’m still in recovery mode. Yes, our tree is still up. And the kids areContinue Reading
Simple Christmas Crafts with Popsicle Sticks
During the month of December, we tend to slow down on our homeschool work. It seems that it’s not just the kids who could use a breather, but us parents as well. Although I fantasize about my children jumping in delight at the thought of a free afternoon, and independently engaging in peaceful, imaginative playContinue Reading
How to Make Popup Birthday Cards with Your Kids
When I was growing up, my Mom always made a big, big deal about birthdays. We never had a lot of money, but she knew how to celebrate nonetheless! The house would be filled with balloons, gifts and friends. She would cook us our favorite meal and bake a cake with whichever crazy theme weContinue Reading
When Pumpkin Spice is Not so Nice
Ahhh… fall. Fall is my favorite time of year! I love the cool, crisp mornings, the trees exploding in color, the bustle and excitement of holiday preparation, and yes, I love pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. But did you know that there are some times when pumpkin spice is not so nice? GASP! WHAT?! I can hearContinue Reading
How to Capture that Beach Feeling All Year
Every once in a while, I really miss the beach. Maybe it’s because work has been stressful recently, maybe it’s because I love watching my children play at the water’s edge while I dig my toes in the sand. Or maybe, just maybe it’s because the beach is the only place where I can relax. Continue Reading