I want to take the time to encourage all of you who have ever felt like you were, dun dun dun…….. backsliding in your life as a Christian. We are human and with that comes a lot of baggage and brokenness, more reason why we need a savior. When I feel like I am startingContinue Reading
Math Rider {a review}
My 10-year-old son struggles with math. I believe that the main reason he struggles is because he has not mastered the math facts. More than not, tears accompany our math lessons together. It pains me to see my son struggling and upset, and as a mom, I want to make it all better. Continue Reading
His plans are perfect!
This seems to be the theme for my life right now. Starting almost exactly a year ago when we found out we were expecting our 7th child. That wasn’t my plan! I definitely wanted more children, but my plan was to wait another six months, when we were all moved into our “forever home,”Continue Reading
Sacagawea ebook from Knowledge Quest {a review}
My two oldest boys and I just finished reading the enjoyable, inspirational novel, Sacagawea (Brave Explorers Every Child Should Know) Complete PDF e-book by Karla Akins. Sacagawea is an interactive e-book that is published by Knowledge Quest. It is recommended for ages 10+ and can be purchased for $4.97. Sacagawea is an “interactive historicalContinue Reading
Fitting It All In – Time Management Perfection
You’ve heard it before: “How do you do it all? How do you fit it all in?” It’s as if there is some mysterious formula that requires just the right equation, just the right planning technique, and voilà! All will be well, children will be at peace, schedules will magically coordinate, and Mom willContinue Reading
May I Encourage You? ~ Be a New Creation {guest post}
How has your day gone today? Did you lose your patience? Did you raise your voice? Did you eat that candy you shouldn’t have? Was the book too good to put down so you didn’t get enough sleep? Was exercise nonexistent? Have you taken on too many responsibilities outside the home? Did you say somethingContinue Reading
Computer Science for Kids {a review}
My oldest son loves computers! To make school more enjoyable for him, I try to incorporate the computer into his schooling when I can. So when the opportunity to review Beginning Microsoft Small Basic from Computer Science For Kids came up, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity for him to actuallyContinue Reading
MusIQ Homeschool {a review}
I wish I was musically inclined. I played the clarinet in elementary and junior high school, but was never very good. I have always wished I could play the piano or the violin. Since neither of those things came to fruition, I want to be able to give my children the chance to fulfill anyContinue Reading
The ABCs of Child Training
Today I am blessed to be guest posting at Walking Redeemed. During the month of March, lovely Kasey has been running a child training series titled From Tots to Teens {& all the fun between}. Head over to Walking Redeemed and gain some wisdom from 10+ bloggers on the topic of child training. You’ll findContinue Reading
Mystery of History: Lessons 10-12
We have started using a new history curriculum this year, Mystery of History. I have struggled for the last several years on a history program that we like and that is a good fit for our family. Plus, I kept going back and forth on whether I wanted my kids to study American History firstContinue Reading