How has your day gone today? Did you lose your patience? Did you raise your voice? Did you eat that candy you shouldn’t have? Was the book too good to put down so you didn’t get enough sleep? Was exercise nonexistent? Have you taken on too many responsibilities outside the home? Did you say something to your spouse that maybe you shouldn’t have? Is there someone you are jealous of? Did you make a bad decision? Did you have your quiet time?
It’s ok. This is why Jesus died for you!
Have you ever sat down with your kids and built with Legos? Aren’t they great? If something doesn’t work right, then you can find other pieces that might, OR you destroy what you made and begin again. You can make a new creation using the bricks and pieces from the old one.
Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if we are in Christ then we are a new creature. That old woman is gone. All things are new.
But just because we are new in Christ does not mean we know everything. In fact, at the moment of salvation, it is healthy to realize how much you DON’T know. This is when we turn to mentors, Bible studies, and sermons so we can soak up the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in the way we should live.
The kids and I had the opportunity to visit some two week old rabbits. They were new and they were little. They were also blind and deaf. These baby rabbits were healthy, thriving new creations, but they totally relied on their mother for food and care.
So should a new creature in God. When we finally come to the realization that our hearts are blinded by the things of this world, and that our soul can be deaf to the leading of the Spirit, only then can God care for us and nurture us. A new creation must rely on his Creator.
God loves to take all of the pieces of our lives and use them to turn you and I into new creations: bad decisions, good blessings, broken hearts, tears, smiles, joys, and sorrows. Everything. God can turn anything, any situation, into good. And He can turn YOU into a new creature!
Jesus died to allow us to have a new day, a new start, a new beginning to life. Do you need a do-over? Then confess your sins to the Lord. Allow Him to create a clean heart in you. Be a new creature today. The old is gone and all things are new. Put the past behind you and begin again.
Then go sit down with your kids and build a new creation out of Legos!
©2012-2013 My Joy-Filled Life. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.
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