This fine motor activity was so quick, easy, convenient, and needed, that I had to share it with all of you in case anyone else might need it too!
So what do you do when you walk into your kitchen and find your toddlers’ (we have twins) snack all over the floor being crushed to pieces with an egg beater by said toddlers? Granted they were having a ball and laughing away so it was hard to get too upset with them.
You grab a wooden skewer and a ball of play dough and redirect the activity to something a bit more productive and that creates less mess.
Just simply poke the skewer into the play dough and secure it to a flat surface (we used the floor). Then have your child place the fruit loops on the skewer – a quick and easy fine motor activity that will keep your child busy in the kitchen.
Now they can legitimately play with their food. Incorporating food makes learning so much more fun and meaningful.
This is a great activity for when you need to occupy little ones when you are making dinner or when you need a quick activity for when you are trying to homeschool or help an older child.
Adapt the Activity
You could adapt the activity a couple of ways by setting up several skewers and having your child only stack a certain color on each skewer. You could get really intentional and use different colored play dough to show which color to stack on each one.
You can also incorporate counting into this activity. Set up multiple skewers (maybe 10) and have the child stack a set number of Fruit Loops onto the skewers. If you also want to include number recognition, write the number on an index card in front of the skewers representing the number to stack on that stick.
I’m sure there are many other ways to adapt and expand this easy fine motor activity. Share your ideas in the comments!!