Looking for cheap homeschool websites to supplement your student’s learning? Check out this list – many are free or those that aren’t are still very affordable!
Homeschooling is made out to be one of the most expensive ways to educate our children, but it doesn’t have to be. Homeschooling can be super inexpensive, with a little creativity. In fact, you probably already have the tools you need to create the inexpensive platform you need to homeschool.
Cheap Homeschool Websites for Frugal Families
For example, cheap homeschooling websites. You may not even know about any of these websites. Let’s get started on discovering cheap homeschool websites everyone needs to know about.
Easy Peasy
If you haven’t heard of Easy Peasy before, have you been hiding under a rock? This continues to be one of the most cherished FREE homeschooling websites out there. Easy Peasy is perfect for any homeschooling family out there. You don’t have to pay a dime and you can get a very RICH education from the resources on this website.
Khan Academy
Perhaps you have heard of Khan Academy, but haven’t given it a try yet. Homeschooling families need to be taking advantage of this cheap website. Don’t worry though, the content isn’t cheap, just the fact that it’s free is the cheap part about it. Khan Academy is the perfect solution to parents who want to homeschool their kids and stay on budget. The learning content with Khan Academy is top notch.
Ambleside Online
Ambleside Online is a free, online curriculum based on Charlotte Mason’s methods. It is named after Ms. Mason’s school and follows her teachings closely. This curriculum is Christian-based and centers on “living books,” the arts, history, nature study, and forming virtuous habits. Ambleside offers full-year, detailed lesson plans and curriculum for grades K-12. There are also optional programs for preschool, pre-7 (a program for older students just starting Ambleside), and a 5-year high school program.
Calculation Nation
Want to challenge your homeschooler? Calculation Nation is the perfect way to do that. One of the reasons I love this website is that it was created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. For some kids, playing games online is the perfect way to learn and this website encompasses just that.
Many homeschooling websites are easy to find, but not everyone knows about Scratch. This is a website that allows the user to build stories games and animations. It’s quite amazing. For the homeschooler that may be a little bored or needs to exercise their creativity, Scratch is a great cheap homeschool website everyone needs to know about.
Related Reading: Strategies for Homeschooling on One Income
For those of you who have older kids, websites like Starfall and ABC Mouse, just aren’t going to get them through. This is where you’ll want to check out Alison. This is a free online course community. How awesome is that? Being able to learn something for free is priceless. Hopefully, some of your middle school or high school kids can take advantage of this cheap homeschool website.
So, before you break out your wallet and try to spend a ton of cash on expensive curriculum. You need to check out these cheap homeschool websites.