2017 is almost here! This 2016 was full of adventures, travel, valuable lessons, good memories and new friendships. There were tears too and frustrations. I am really excited to what the good Lord has in store for us for the coming year. I’ve been reading 2017 plans from my favorite bloggers . I do enjoy reading their goals! From blogging goals to personal ones. Do you still remember all of your resolutions that you made for 2016? I’m sure most of you were not able to stick to it. If you are like me, I had a pretty long list of resolutions. As far as travel goes, we are able to do that. More than what I expected. With blogging, I was also able to meet my goals.
Truth be told, as far as personal and family resolutions…I did not stick to it. Life happens and we get really busy. We get carried away with every situation life throws at us. I will be honest here, this year brought valuable lessons to me. This 40 New Years Resolution for moms may be too much for some but think of this as a guide and a reminder too. To be a happy momma. I had bouts of crying moments because I was so overwhelmed. There were times when I questioned myself if I was cut out for this mommy gig. It also came to a point where praying is difficult when I know that praying is what I should do in those difficult times. So I told myself that serious change needs to happen. I hope you take my personal resolutions and reminders as your reminder as well.
- Know your value as a mom. YOU matter. What you do matters.
- Live to glorify and serve God.
- Trust God.
- Pray more. Worry less. Planning is way different than worrying. Planning gives you strategies, worrying will not benefit you in any way.
- Do one thing at a time and don’t start something that you cannot finish.
- Let go of perfection.
- Prioritize solitude time. ME-time is important.
- Read more inspiring and uplifting books.
- Unplug after 6pm or 7pm. Focus on connecting with real people, the ones right in front of you.
- Take good care of yourself. Do not let go of yourself.
- Once a month , buy something for yourself. New shirt or a lipstick. Money does not buy happiness for sure but do not deprive yourself.
- Practice..”Not your circus, not your monkeys”. Focus on your own, stop worrying about other people/family.
- Make it less daunting for other moms to share their experiences with you. DO NOT JUDGE. Repeat after me, DO NOT JUDGE.
- Support other moms. Refuse to criticize. Build each other up.[Tweet “Support other moms. Refuse to criticize. Build each other up! #momresolutions”]
- Find your “mom tribe”.
- Stop comparing yourself to others. Even if you think that you are a better mom than others OR for when you feel like some moms are way better than you. We are all built differently with different family dynamics and with different , unique beautiful children.
- Give your children grace.
- Give yourself grace. Just like your kids, you are also learning everyday.
- Learn to say NO..to more volunteering , events and activities.
- Just sit down and do nothing…your to do list will always be there. Recharge.
- Practice a mental dump. Write it all. Reminders, schedules, plans , thoughts..write it all.
- Go on a date with your spouse. We will always find an excuse not to do it. Your marriage is VERY IMPORTANT.
- Go on a date with your friend. Friends who build you up and do not suck the life out of you.
- It is okay to avoid negative people who give negative vibes.
- You don’t always have to do everything “homemade”. Store bought cookies are totally fine.
- Try to keep a pretty decent and clean house. Untidy and cluttered houses gives negative vibes. Live on less.
- Realize that you are doing a great job.
- Ask for help. People around you can not read your mind.
- Delegate. Even your 2 yr old can do a simple chore. When the job gets done quickly, you’ll have more time with the family.
- Stop pleasing other people. Instead, think about your impact on your own kids. How they look at you and how you can build a great relationship with them.
- Realize that kids do grow up too fast. Slow down and enjoy them. It does not have to be Pinterest inspired time.
- Stop micro managing everything.
- Save up for travel.
- If it overwhelms you, change it. If you can’t change it..change your attitude about it.
- Every now and again reevaluate commitments. Check your own priorities.
- As a mom, we are always faced with different options. Be decisive.
- Stop beating yourself up. There is always something to be grateful about. Focus on that.
- Don’t make it hard for your family to help you.
- Do not overthink things. Don’t get easily offended.
- Choose your battles. Some battles belong to the Lord.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year! May you feel God’s grace in all that you do.
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