Today I’m posting over at Hip Homeschool Moms with ideas on how to incorporate learning into your winter playtime.
But more importantly, Hip Homeschool Moms has a brand new look! Have you seen it?
I think it looks amazing! Not only does it look great, but it is very well organized and is easy-to-navigate.
If you aren’t familiar with Hip Homeschool Moms, I encourage you to head over and check it out. You’ll find over 20 homeschool moms sharing their advice and wisdom in a variety of topics, from getting started in homeschooling to healthy living.
If you are already a part of the Hip Homeschool Moms community, you need to head over and check out the new site, not just for the new look and design, but also for the new focus and purpose of the site.
Homeschooling is a lifestyle, and that is what Hip Homeschool Moms hopes to encompass – ALL the aspects of the home education lifestyle. Not only will you find articles with tips and suggestions on what to teach and how to teach, but you’ll also find articles about homemaking, organization, frugal living, recipes, parenting, marriage – and even urban farming and IKEA hacks.
Follow along with the Hip Homeschool Moms by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, or subscribe.
While you are over at Hip Homeschool Moms exploring the new site, check out my post about Winter Educational Activities where you’ll find ideas for integrating the snow and the winter season into your homeschool – inside and out.
You’ll also find a FREE 16-page Preschool Printable Pack, book lists, and writing prompts.
Hi Sarah, I saw listed that you enjoy running, I’m if you are an early morning runner? I am trying to find a good routine where I can exercise and also keep up with 2 toddlers and an infant.