Welcome to the Preparing For Baby series. This series will run for two weeks (Dec. 3-7 & Dec. 17-21). If you missed any past posts in the series, just click the links below.
There is so much to do to get ready for a baby’s arrival. For such a little being, they sure do require a lot of advance preparation. But it’s so worth it; no matter if it’s your first, second, or tenth baby, your life is about to change forever! So get ready!!
Here is a run-down of what I do to get ready for a baby’s arrival:
1. Dig out the baby clothes, blankets, and towels from storage, and wash, sort and fold them. Go through the clothes and decide if you have everything you need. If not, head to the store and enjoy shopping for the baby things you still need. This time I had to wash both the boy and girl baby clothes because we won’t find out the gender until the birth (this is a first for us).
2. Pull out the carseat and make sure it is clean and installed properly.
3. Get out the baby gear (swing, bouncer, breast pump, carrier….) and make sure everything is clean and in working order and everything has fresh batteries (for the things that need batteries).
4. Make post partum baskets. I make two of these baskets – one for our master bathroom and one for the main bathroom downstairs. I put all the stuff in it that I need after I use the bathroom. In each basket I have maxi pads (with wings), wash cloths (I prefer using these instead of TP for the first several days), a peri bottle (fill with warm water before sitting) for cleansing & soothing (they should give you these at the hospital; ask for an extra), Tucks pads, medicated wipes (this is the first time I’ll be using these – they contain witch hazel & aloe), first aid cleansing spray.
6. Make diaper baskets. I also make two of these – one for upstairs and one for downstairs. In each one, I put diapers, wipes (well I put the wipes with the basket), lap pads (for putting under baby’s butt), and diaper rash cream.
7. Pack the baby’s bag for the hospital. Here is what I have packed in the baby’s bag:
- diapers & wipes
- 2 burp cloths
- 3 onesies
- receiving blanket
- fleece blanket
- baby pram
- 2 sleepers
- carseat cover
- baby hat & mitts
8. Pack my hospital bag. Here are the things I have packed:
- nursing bras & pads
- maxi pads (in case I don’t like the ones the hospital provides)
- underwear
- “birthing gown” – it’s just a comfy, knee-length gown that I have worn in the past for labor (we will see if they fight me on it)
- bath robe
- comfy, loose pajamas
- a couple comfy, loose outfits (yoga pants or sweat pants with a long-sleeve T, maternity of course)
- change of clothes for my husband (and his birthing shirt; he has worn the same t-shirt for all our kids’ births)
- basic toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodarant)
- chapstick
- hairbrush, hair ties, head band
- pillows
- scripture cards, notebook & pen (I make my husband keep notes of the labor and delivery)
- book to read (which I probably won’t end up reading)
- phone, laptop, camera, and chargers for each
9. Prepare baby’s area in our room. After they are born, we like to have our babies sleep in our room for the first several months, and sometimes a bit longer, depending on the baby and our needs as a family. I turn my dresser into the changing table and use a pack-n-play for the baby’s crib (although, the baby will most likely be in bed with me a majority of the time).
10. Make labor playlist. For all my labors, I have put together a playlist of songs that I feel will help me through labor. With today’s technology, it’s easier than ever! My playlist is on my phone and ready to go!
11. Make meals and freeze. This is the first pregnancy since my 2nd baby that I have not had an “official” meal support system in place. In the past, I have had my moms group or church organize for our family to have meals brought to our house. This time, I’m on my own. So, I have at least 3 weeks worth of meals in the freezer at this point. I’m looking forward to not having to cook!!
12. Organize childcare and homeschool plans. If you have other children, you will need to make arrangements for someone to watch your child(ren) while you are in labor, and maybe for a little while after if your husband is planning on staying with you at the hospital (if this is where you will be giving birth). If you are a homeschooler, it’s also a good idea to have a plan in place for while you are at the hospital and for the post partum period for your other children’s schoolwork. Being Christmas, I was planning on taking some time off anyway, so I’m not really doing much as far as making a plan for school during the post partum period. We will just take a break, and love on and learn about our newest family member.