I won a contest (and a really pretty lamp) when asked where in my house I’d put something that would most inspire or encourage me. My answer in all seriousness was, “My bathroom wall!” When asked why there, the answer was easy, “Because it’s the one place I get the most peace & quiet…and even that is hit or miss”. I WON!
Make your bathroom your sanctuary. Let’s take the word “Restroom” to a NEW level…not just “resting” on the porcelain throne but “RESTING” in HIM.
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Christy is a wife, mom, sister, and friend – all titles she cherishes and values dearly. She (tries not to but) can be a busy-body, easily distracted “start too many projects and get herself in trouble” kind-of-girl. But above all, she’s a daughter of the KING. She loves to share God’s love whenever she can. Christy and her husband created “IsaVerb LLC” with the very HUGE goal of inspiring people to stop fighting for their own selfish rights and comfort, but rather for God’s and be His disciple….. by truly Loving One Another. Christy also blogs at Love is a Verb.
©2012-2013 My Joy-Filled Life. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://myjoyfilledlife.com
Donna McMorrow says
Great post. I can so relate to hoping for a quiet moment in the bathroom. When my children were just a bit younger, they used to write me messages and slide them under the bathroom door!
Bibi says
I, too, find time with God in the bathroom – usually when I’m in the shower. I thought I was weird for “multi-tasking” in that particular room, but am really glad to see other mothers do it, too. Great post, love your bathroom wall 🙂
Kim Adams Morgan says
I love this idea. It’s so true, it is often where we spend a good deal of time preparing for the day. I often has scriptures taped to my bathroom mirror. Thank you for sharing this with us. Linking with Babies & Beyond. Kim http://www.kimadamsmorgan.com Pouring Down Like Rain.
confidentingrace says
Excellent post! We often forget that we must be filled with Him before we can be effective. I love the idea of turning the restroom into a resting place. 🙂
Kate Megill says
Excellent post! And yes, with 8 children myself, the bathroom was one of the only places I could get some (relative) privacy and quiet. Only our bathroom is HUGE so I’d also hang out on the recliner we have in there!!
Thanks for sharing. Coming over today from Walking Redeemed link-up.
Melanie Davis says
A very creative thought process on why we should “use the bathroom” to have some time with God. It makes perfect sense!
[email protected]
Rebecca says
LOVE this idea! Thank you for linking up and sharing at Ultimate Mom Link up today!
momstheword says
Oh I can totally relate. Many times when the kids were little I would go into the bathroom, lock the door and just sink to my eyes and ask God to watch my tongue, give me grace, patience, and give me energy to just get through the rest of the day, lol!
Thanks for linking up to the “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party! 🙂
Judith Kowles says
Yes, we can all relate. Those little fingers poking under the door have grow larger and don’t fit anymore…but occasionally someone still starts talking to me through the door forgetting that time has passed and they have grown up. The bathroom is the best place to cry and pray to my God.
Thanks for sharing this over at WholeHearted Wednesdays last week.
Kasey Norton says
I’m guilty of escaping there to hide on occasion. This post is excellent! Thank you, Christy and Sarah!