I recently became a Tommy Mommy and joined the Tommy Nelson mother review team. What does that mean for you, my readers? At least once a month, I will be featuring a new Tommy Nelson product, sharing my thoughts on it, and giving the product away to one of you! Pretty awesome, huh?
In Storm, those who refused the Mark are now fighting back. The Markless Revolution is being led by Logan Langly. Logan and his crew, the Dust, are on a mission to find a cure for a chemically manufactured plague that is sweeping through the Marked, get the weather mill back online to end a massive drought, and to figure out once and for all who’s side his sister, Lily, is on. And through it all, their eyes are being opened to the message of Christianity.
I was excited to be able to review this book {I also read the first two books in the series} because I’m always on the look out for good books for my two oldest sons to read. They are 8 and 10 years old and while this book is targeted for their ages (8-11 year olds), I felt that the book was a little advanced and involved for their comprehension levels. I felt it would be much better suited for ages 12+.
I began reading the first book in the series, Swipe, aloud to my boys and after a few chapters, decided that it would be best to wait a year or two for them to be able to comprehend all that was happening in this book. So, I went on and read Swipe, Sneak, and then Storm myself. And let me just say that it was hard to put the book(s) down! I’m not one for futuristic-type books, but this series had me hooked pretty quick, and I’m anticipating the release of the next book in the series, Spark. Storm is full of adventure, intrigue, and suspense, making it quite a page-turner!
Are you ready to win a copy for yourself your kids? Enter using the rafflecopter form below (and be sure to read the terms & conditions on the rafflecopter form):