Last week I took the kids to Lollypop Farm, our local human society. Not only is this a place where you can adopt cats and dogs, you can also adopt many other animals such as, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, birds, ferrets, rabbits, and many others. They also provide educational programs for kids, pet-assisted therapy programs, spay/neuter assistance, training classes for animals, and guided tours.
The “famous” Lollypop farm bull statue. That thing was there when I was a kid! |
This place is kind of like a mini zoo. Lots of different animals to see and they even have a petting zoo area filled with lots of goats and sheep. And the best part about it is, it’s free – at least for the “self-guided” tours. When we went last week, we attended their weekly story time (which is free too) where they read two animal-related stories. Last month’s feature animal was cats. The kids enjoyed the story, their animal crackers, and were very well-behaved (a plus for any momma).
Luke, Rachel and Lauren taking a rest by the cow. |
Luke holding Lauren during story time. I love these moments. |
It was a hot day, so we went early and didn’t stay too long. On a cooler day, it’s nice to plan for a picnic lunch, or a hike on the trail they have nearby, or end your visit by playing at the playground next door. But, since it was hot, we hit the McDonald’s drive-thru instead and headed over to Daddy’s work to have lunch with him.
All in all it was a fun adventure. I’m trying to be more intentional about getting out and doing things with the kids. Now that I’m out of the first trimester of this pregnancy, I have a little more motivation and energy. I’ve been feeling like we have just been sitting around in our little rental just waiting for the time to pass until we can move into our new house (end of August). Getting out of the house and planning activities definitely makes the time go by faster, and it’s more fun! So, I am making it a point to plan things to do and check the local kid’s event calendar often to see what fun or interesting things are going on in our area. Daddy is on board too and wants to have things planned for the weekends when he can join in on the fun!! 🙂
Benjamin & Joseph checking out the ducks; every time Benjamin saw an animal he showed his excitement by pointing and squealing. |