Five years ago today, the Lord blessed us with our first baby girl! I cried during the ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl. I would have been happy with boy or girl, but after 2 boys, I’m not going to lie – I was thrilled to be having a little girl!! I think she exclusively wore pink for her entire first year!!
Rachel is my little mommy! She is so sweet and loving with her baby brothers. I can’t wait to see her with her own children; no, wait, I take that back, I can wait – I don’t want her to grow up too fast! These years already go by way too fast as it is!!
Rachel is…….
And since it’s her birthday, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share her birth story. Who doesn’t like a good birth story? I know I do – I love reading about other women’s experiences and about their thoughts and feelings surrounding birth.