Be sure to check out all the posts, giveaways, and sponsors in the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom series!
Just click the image below.
The contributors of the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom blog series have come together to bring you a giveaway for a gift card to! is where I do the majority of my homeschool curriculum shopping. They have a HUGE selection of homeschool products and you really can’t beat their prices. Pair that up with FREE shipping (which they offer a lot when you have a purchase of $35 or more) and is a homeschool mama’s dream!!
Here are some of my favorites from….
For mom –
Teaching from RestHomeschool Mom’s BibleFlourish: Balance for Homeschool MomsHelp for the Harried Homeschooler
Curriculum –
Apologia ScienceExplode the Code PhonicsNotgrass HistoryProgeny Press Literature Guides
Thank you to all of the HELP! for the Homeschool Mom contributors, with a special thanks to….
- Real World Learners
- Ben and Me
- Many Seasons of Motherhood
- As We Walk Along the Road
- Thou Shall Not Whine
- How To Homeschool My Child
- Breakthrough Homeschooling
Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Entering this giveaway signs you up for the My Joy-Filled Life, Ben and Me, As We Walk Along the Road, Thou Shall Not Whine, How To Homeschool My Child, and Break Through Homeschooling email newsletters if you aren’t already subscribed. Winners have 48 hours to claim their prize before a new winner is drawn. Giveaway ends March 2, 2019 at 11:59pm ET. Be sure to read the terms and conditions upon entering.
Thank you to our featured sponsors!
Don’t forget to check out ALL the helpful posts in the series
and enter the giveaways (over $2000 worth of prizes)!
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Even more giveaways to enter!!
3 Ancient Project Passport World History Studies from Home School in the Woods1-year membership to the Phonics Museum appGreen Kid Crafts 3-month science & craft subscriptionWell-Ordered Language Level 1A & 1BOne-year access to UnLock Math FoundationsArt Class, a 36-lesson digital art courseState history & Geography bundleThe Power in Your Hands – a nonfiction writing course for high schoolersVisual Latin 1 & 2 (digital version)Math Mammoth LIght Blue Series (digital) – 3 winnersTeaching Textbooks 3.0 Subscription level of your choice (2 winners)All About Reading Color Edition + Deluxe Reading Interactive Kit (level of choice)Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy text & notebooking journalExploring Creation with Chemistry Advantage set
Dorothy Boucher says
This is amazing! all I keep thinking is wow! all the books and supplies one is going to be so lucky!
Zekesmom10 says
I’ve been watching the Parenting Relationships Summit and there are so many great speakers. If I won this gift card, I can see me buying a lot of the books from the various presenters (like Kimmel and Tripp, and a few others)!
Tiffany says
This give away is so wonderful!
Jill Miller says
What a wonderful prizellll
Becky B. says
This would be awesome to utilize!
Susan Campbell says
What a great giveaway.
Angie M says
We like to order from Christian Book as well!
Beth says
What a homeschooler’s treat! It will be of great benefit to someone.
LizT says
Excellent Prize! Christian Book has many great deals!
Karen C says
Would be wonderful to win!
Tara says
I shop at Christianbook all the time. I’d love to win.