This is a post from Jacqueline Forrer of My Blessings Homeschool
Two summers ago, 2012, was quite the challenge for me. My husband was going through a major depression and I was struggling to make it through each day with our three children. I have since realized a few things that God was trying to do at that time. He was teaching and guiding me during those tough days to make me rely on Him more than ever before. He also was asking for some changes in my life that I wasn’t quite sure why or what he was asking of me. All of that’s for another time though. Today I want to share with you about one giant leap of faith that we both took that year.
After our third blessing, I was asked what kind of birth control I wanted and I had heard some things about Mirena and decided to try it. My doctor placed it and I had no major issues with it. It was there for over two years when I was on a forum for Christian moms and started learning some things about birth control and the device I had my doctor place inside of me over two years prior.
I kept seeing this word “abortifacient.” I asked and researched what it meant and this is what I found.
a·bor·ti·fa·cient: adjective 1.(chiefly of a drug) causing abortion.
“I asked him, ‘Does the Pill sometimes fail to prevent ovulation?’ He said ‘yes’. I asked, ‘What happens then?’ He said, ‘The cervical mucus slows down the sperm. And if that doesn’t work, if you end up with a fertilized egg, it won’t implant and grow because of the less hospitable endometrium.’ (Emphasis in the original)
“I then asked him if he was certain the pill made implantation less likely. ‘Oh yes,’ he replied. I said, ‘ So you don’t think this is just a theoretical effect of the Pill?’ He said the following, which I draw directly from my extensive notes of our conversation.
“Oh, no, it’s not theoretical. It’s observable. We know what an endometrium looks like when it’s rich and most receptive to the fertilized egg. When the woman is taking the Pill, you can clearly see the difference, based both on gross appearance – as seen with the naked eye – and under a microscope. At the time when the endometrium would normally accept a fertilized egg, if a woman is taking the Pill it is much less likely to do so.” (Emphasis in the original)”
You can read the rest of the article on the Pro-Life OBGYN website which goes into more detail about this interview and other findings. I also read the small print that’s on the pamphlets for birth control and IUD’s just to make sure that what I was hearing was true.
I love this post. My husband and I decided to stop birth control after I was found with precancerous cells. We had 2 kids then. Now we have six blessing ; a 9 yr, 7 yr, 4 yr, 3 y. 2 yr, and 6 month old . None planned but all worth it. God bless you and your family.
Thank you Stefany! We have four and are excited to see what else God has planned for us!
I wanted to thank you for this post! We decided to stop using birth control right around the same time (2012 or thereabouts) and it has been an enormous blessing. We’re now expecting our first “intentionally unplanned” baby and are so excited to see what God’s plan is for our family. Our only regret is that we took almost 10 years to make this decision.
Love the blog!
Thanks Diana! Congrats on your new blessing! It’s amazing how God provides when we step out in faith and do what He asks of us. I’m excited to see what else He has in store too!
Yay!! I love how The Lord blesses out faithfulness!! Out little VR baby is 10.5 months old and he is the biggest blessing!! We are hoping for more soon as well!!
Something similar happened to me. I had #2 and # back to back . All of my babies were delivered by c-section so I was not ready physically for #3! After her I decided I HAD to go on birth control to give my body a break. I did not want a bunch of hormones making me crazy so my OB/ GYN suggested Mirena. Now, I have never even had a contraction, much less dialated so even trying to get that thing through my cervix was out of the question… and very painful. As I was driving home that day, crying and praying because I didn’t want to get pregnant right away again the Lord reminded me to not put limits on Him.
A few months later I started going through some training to be and advocate for girls and women facing unplanned pregnancies and considering abortion. That is when I learned of all this. God really does have us in the palm of His hand and I am so glad that device could not be put into my body.
I did get pregnant again but not for a year and a half. We lost that baby. I cringe just thinking about how I would feel if I had the IUD inserted, or any birth control really.
Personally, my husband and I have used breastfeeding as a natural birth control method for many years and it has worked very well for our family. The distance between each child is natural, without medical intervention or any other methods. My husband and I enjoyed having sex without worrying about pregnancy while breastfeeding regularly. When each child reached a certain age, I became pregnant again. In my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, I never had my period again. Our family currently has 6 daughters (three sets of twin girls): Sofia and Jojo, aged 8 years and 1 month, Anna and Elsa, aged 4 years and 7 months, Maddy and Olife, aged 1 year and 4 months.