My favorite subject to teach in our homeschool is science. I always enjoyed science when I was in school and now I love teaching it to my kids. I like that science offers so many hands-on learning opportunities and so many ways to explore the world we live in.
While we use Apologia for our main homeschool science curriculum, it’s nice to add some projects and experiments to our studies in the areas we are particularly interested in and enjoying learning about. Science kits are great for that, plus they are also nice to have on hand during break times and they also make great gifts. Here is a list of some great science kit options:
Anti-Gravity Magnetic Levitation Science Kit
Teach children about the invisible power of magnetism with the 4M Anti Gravity Magnetic Levitation Science Kit. This science kit teaches kids about magnetic force through several fun, hands-on experiments. Experiments include floating a pencil, levitating a screw, building a maglev, and more. The kit contains all materials necessary for performing the experiments found in the box. Detailed instructions for use and care are included. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Teach children about the beauty and complexity of crystal growth with the 4M Crystal Growing Experiment. This science kit contains all the materials needed to perform seven different crystal growth experiments. A special display case is included to admire the crystals once they are fully grown. Perfect for young science enthusiasts, especially those with an interest in geology. Complete instructions for each experiment are included with the kit. Recommended for ages 10 years and up.
Explore the wonders of geology with the 4M Crystal Mining Kit. This educational kit allows young mineral hunters to dig for their very own crystals, using the kit’s digging tool to unearth treasures from a tough plaster “rock”. The kit includes a plaster rock with eight (8) individual crystals, a digging tool, drawstring pouch for storing crystals, and more. A handy magnifying glass lets mineral hunters examine their treasures and study their different features. Once the crystals have been excavated, they can be displayed proudly in an attractive display case included with the kit. Recommended for ages 5 years and up.
Convert your kitchen into a science lab with the 4M Kitchen Science Kit. Perform six different science experiments using common kitchen ingredients. Generate electricity using a lemon, launch a rocket with vinegar, write invisible messages, and more. This kit is ideal for science enthusiasts of all ages. Complete instructions for each experiment are included with the kit. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Teach children about the invisible power of magnetism with the 4M Magnet Science Kit. The Magnet Science Kit teaches young scientists about the effects of magnetism through a combination of fun science experiments and games. The kit contains materials to make interactive magnetic objects like the Super Power Horseshoe Magnet and the Magnet Wand. Construct Super Magnet Racer, a Yacht Compass, or a Mysterious Dangler. Activities like the Fishing Game provide hours of fun and provide hands-on learning about the effects of magnetism. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
The 4M Potato Clock teaches young minds the value of green energy in an illuminating way. The Potato Clock uses a pair of ordinary spuds to power a digital clock. This kit includes a digital clock, wires and prongs; two potatoes are all that’s needed to create a working clock. This kit is ideal for young science enthusiasts, and offers a valuable lesson on the transformative power of green science. Detailed assembly instructions included. No batteries required. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Explore the wonders of robotics and physical anatomy with the 4M Robotic Hand Kit. This kit contains all the materials needed to assemble a robotic hand with fully-articulated fingers. Pulling a cord makes the robotic fingers curl inward in a realistic gripping action. Perfect for young science enthusiasts, especially those with an interest in robotics. Detailed assembly instructions included. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Create a robotic racer using the 4M Salt Water Powered Robot Kit. This robot kit is a hands-on learning experience that illustrates the value of alternate energy sources. The robot is powered by the chemical reaction of salt water and charcoal, and is safe and non-toxic. This kit contains all the parts and materials needed to create a salt-water powered robot. Detailed assembly instructions included. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
The 4M Solar Rover Kit teaches children how to harness the light of the sun to power everyday objects. Transform a recycled soda can into a solar-powered rover. This kit includes all the parts necessary to build one solar-powered car. Detailed assembly instructions included. Perfect for a young scientist with an interest in mechanics and alternate energy sources. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Art and science combine with the 4M Solar System Planetarium. The Solar System Planetarium set teaches children about the wonders of the solar system. Just assemble, paint and learn. This set includes planets, stencils, squeeze glow paint pen, rods, string, a fact-filled wall chart and 10 sets of Kidz Quiz questions. Complete assembly instructions included. No batteries required. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
The 4M Weather Station Kit contains all the tools a young meteorologist needs to study the effects of weather on the environment. This multi-function weather kit contains a full set of basic tools to observe and record weather conditions around the home. The kit includes a functional wind vane, an anemometer, a thermometer and a rain gauge for measuring local weather conditions. Use the kit and a recycled soda bottle to create a terrarium to study the greenhouse effect on plants. Fully assembled, the weather station measures 8.5-inches by 4.75-inches, making it ideal for sitting on a desktop or bookshelf. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Easy to use prepoured agar plate bacteria growing set. NO pouring your own plates, which is time consuming and potentially dangerous and NO autoclaving. This is an excellent science kit to learn microbiology and great for science fair projects. Each plate is coated with a thick nutrient rich agar, which bacteria, molds, and other fungi love! See increased bacterial/fungal growth compared to other products. The thick agar surface prevents cracking and drying of the plates as seen with other kits. 100% money back guaranteed if you don’t absolutely love your kit. Recommended for ages 5 years and up.
Big Bag Of Science +70 Activities
Introduce your child to the exciting world of science with the Big Bag of Science. Kids aged 8 years and older can perform more than 70 experiments with this kit, allowing them to explore mind-stretching science principles while having fun. The kit comes with plenty of tools and safe chemicals to get your young scientist started, including test tubes, a magnifying glass, gravity goo powder, Insta-Snow powder, and many other supplies necessary to perform the experiments. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
My Super Big Bag Of Science +100 activities
The biggest bag with the most science experiments ever, this bag contains with more than 100 activities covering life science, physical science and earth science, this kit will keep young scientists engaged and enthralled for hours – even days. Topics in the lab book include chemistry, physics, geology, biology magnets, and many other arenas, giving your budding scientist a variety of ways to discover new facts. Learn about polymers that look like real snow. Make an electric circuit with only your bodies (or lots of bodies) and the energy stick. Shoot off a 25-foot geyser with diet soda and Mentos candies. Make a chain of beads pull itself out of a cup as if by magic. Then make a gel do the same thing. Your child will also get a look at the tools of science with the many materials included in this kit. The test tubes, pipettes, magnifying glass, Petri dishes, and other materials help to teach skills such as observation, classification, and Measuring. Some of these experiments are messy and meant for the outdoors. They all get kids thinking and make great ideas for science fair experiments. Whether messy or not, each experiment is geared toward teaching kids about an exciting principle of science. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Creativity for Kids Grow ‘n Glow Terrarium
A terrarium is a miniature garden in a simulated natural environment. The Grow N’ Glow Terrarium is a complete kit for helping kids to create their very own miniature eco-system. It’s so easy! You just assemble, decorate, water and watch it grow! It’s a fun way to teach kids about botany, eco-systems and the life cycle of plants. Everything you need is included for 2 full planting life-cycles, so you can plant your terrarium and watch it grow, then do it all again in a month or so, depending upon how long your plants thrive. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
Glow in the Dark Slime Science Kit
Make green and blue slime for gooey, gross science play- it makes learning so fun, children can’t put it down! Our full-color adventure guide is the perfect way to learn about slime and phosphorescence, and the activity booklet contains 10 games, puzzles, and challenges for even more fun and learning. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
Klutz LEGO Chain Reactions Craft Kit
Fascinate your friends by completing an ordinary task in an extraordinary way. Learn to build 10 LEGO machines that can swing, pivot, roll, lift, and drop. Then connect, rearrange, and experiment with the machines to create a chain reaction. With this book in hand and a handful of basic bricks from your LEGO collection, the only other thing you’ll need is a little imagination. Includes 80-page book of instructions, 33 LEGO pieces, instructions for 10 machines, 6 plastic balls, string, paper ramps, and other components. Recommended for ages 7 years and up.
Project Mc2 is a team of four super-smart and seriously cool girls who use their love of science and their spy skills as they go on missions for secret organization. They’re real girls with real skills ready to take on anything. Now an original series, only on Netflix! Conduct your own experiments at home or on the go, just like the girls from Project Mc2. The oversized lab “bag” unzips to reveal the Ultimate Lab Kit. Play with and store all the fun science pieces included. Picking up S.T.E.A.M. with Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Math: So many different lab pieces for you to conduct chemistry and other science experiments. A real working microscope provides endless hours of discovery. Ready for more science experiments after you’ve mastered the ones included. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
Chemistry is an award winning kit that comes with a 40 page highly visual, step-by- step instruction book. All the materials are included your child will need to perform 35 experiments. A classic set of all time favorite children’s experiments are combined to explore the matter of matter: make candles, squirt with water pressure, sink and float an egg, dye a flower from the inside out, squeeze an egg into a bottle, capturing a CO2 explosion and growing crystals. Step-by-step 3D directions and the use of everyday materials brings clarity to how things work. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
Learn about The Alphabet of the Universe with Real Chemistry Experiments you can do. Includes a full-color 48 page instruction book and materials. Pop hydrogen. Search for naked protons. Measure the pH of liquids. Flame test alkali metals. Grow giant crystals. Explore noble gases. Use an exothermal reaction to form a hand cast. Acid test chalk. Learn about electrons and protons. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
With Inventions, discover the “why” as well as the “how” common electronic components work through the use of everyday materials. Each project contributes to the understanding of how things work. The book has beautiful step-by-step, highly visual instructions and child appropriate materials, included in this kit, encourage independent learning through play, and lead a child successfully through each invention. Although Inventions is designed for children 8 years and up, this title has had an extraordinary history and following. It has been used at MIT to mentor high school students in physics. It has been used at U.C. Berkeley to mentor women in science. It has been used similarly at other institutions including Fermi Lab and the University of Texas at Austin. Inventions received a rave review from the Women’s Society of the IEEE. They used Inventions for camp programs for elementary school students. The review boasted: “The projects actually WORK”….even for large groups where individualized attention is not possible. Inventions is compelling to children. Inventions is the recipient of over 15 unsolicited awards. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
DNA ScienceWiz Science Kit teaches kids about the uniqueness of DNA and molecular biology in a fun way. Kids will learn about the basic building blocks of life, extract DNA from fruits, play the gene construction game, probe and spool real DNA, build a double helix, and more. This kit also includes basic supplies and a 40-page, fully illustrated manual. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Scientific Explorer Backyard Explorer kit provides early childhood science fun for ages 4 and up. You don’t have to travel very far to become an explorer, there are all sorts of exciting creatures and things to discover right in your own backyard or nearby park. All you have to do is step outside to get up close and personal with nature–as seen through a microscope. Build a birdfeeder and worm motel. There’s no limit to the adventures you’ll have and the fascinating things you’ll learn about the world around you from the Backyard Explorer kit. Make a Sundial and experiment with shadows! Catch live bugs! Recommended for ages 4 years and up.
Scientific Explorer Bubble Gum Factory Kit lets your young confectionary scientist have as much fun chewing their experiment as they had learning the science behind it. Guided by the instruction booklet, your child will make gobs of gum from 8 different recipes or create their own concoctions and mix unique flavors for friends and family to try. All the gear that you’ll need can be found in this kit, in your kitchen or on the shelves of your local grocery store. The main ingredient of this educational make-it-yourself kit is “creativity”. Once done with the experiments, your child and friends can test their own bubble blowing skills. The kit includes a citric acid packet, corn syrup, powdered sugar, gum base, watermelon, blueberry and mint flavoring, 2 note cards, bag and activity guide. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Scientific Explorer Disgusting Science is the grossest, most revolting kit available that will educate your child with nasty experiments on what actually grows on their own body, what’s really in their teeth and the explanations behind our unmentionable, smelly bodily functions. Disgusting Science investigates your child’s everyday questions like “What makes you pass gas?”, “Do creatures really live on me?”, “Why do your feet really stink?” and more. Your young scientist will be fascinated to learn fun facts about these body parts, by-products and will be grossed out as they take science to a whole new level by creating a stinky intestine, slimy snot, fake blood and learn how to grow friendly molds and bacteria. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Scientific Explorer Ice Cream Science Kit teaches you how to make your own ice cream! Invent colors and flavors, conduct super cool chemistry experiments to investigate why salt is used in ice cream making and learn how to make ice scream smooth or gritty and how to add fluff to the mixture. Just grab a shirt, mix up the ingredients and twirl the shirt like a jump rope. Ice cream is ready to eat in 5 minutes. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Magic Science Kit for Wizards Only
Scientific Explorer exceptional series of home science kits based on the nationally recognized Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) program pioneered at UC Berkley’s Lawrence Hall of Science. These kits teach valuable lessons about the scientific method and how to propose, test and refine your hypothesis. Exploratory learning improves memory and keeps kids engaged with hands-on learning experiences. Kids will love it and learn at the same time. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
My First Fizzy Foamy Science Kit
Scientific Explorer My First Fizzy Foamy Science Kit will have children young and old mixing safe powders to create solutions that foam and fizz! In this educational, make-it-yourself kit you’ll make bubbles and even make an erupting volcano! Along the way, you’ll learn some cool science about fizz and foam and how to make it bigger and better. In each of the 7 activities, your child will get to act and think like a real scientist. Recommended for ages 4 years and up.
My First Mind Blowing Science Kit
Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing Science Kit is your junior chemist’s introduction to the world of scientific exploration. Learn the basics of science from chemical reactions to the use of science tools. With mind blowing experiments such as creating a sunset in a test tube and making a color-changing volcano, children will love learning fascinating facts about their natural world and this kit will keep them engrossed with interactive experiments. Recommended for ages 6 years and up.
Scientific Explorer My First Science Kit is a fun and educational make-it-yourself kit that contains mind boggling experiments to delight and educate your young scientist. This kit will have children growing gobs of watery crystals and exploring the science of color. This kit includes 8 fun and safe activities with everything your child needs to create their own color-mixing laboratory and discover what it’s like to learn, think and act like a scientist. Recommended for ages 4 years and up.
Scientific Explorer Tasty Science Kit will satisfy your little chef’s sweet tooth and feed their brain all in the name of science! Packed with ingredients, recipes, activity cards and a test tube laboratory, children will create delicious, creative and edible concoctions from the comfort of your kitchen. The (10) activities included will educate your child on how good science tastes once they experience making a cake rise, creating rockin’ crystallized candy, whip up cupcakes, cookies and making drinks fizz. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Make your own soaps with this great kit! All you need is a microwave oven and the provided soap molds, soap base, and pigments. Spark creativity by adding all-natural ingredients found in the kitchen and garden! Follow the recipes in the booklet or dream up new combinations. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Kids Try their hand at mad science in the much-anticipated update of the popular title You-Mix-It Secret Formula Lab. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Chemistry has never been this gross or fun! Explore the disgusting side of science while learning about chemical reactions, polymers, diffusion, gas expansion and more. This science lab comes with the tools needed to kick off a chemistry adventure using household ingredients like baking soda, water, and food coloring. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Learn about volcanos, weather, crystals growing, dinosaurs, microscopic science and outer space with this multi-lab science set. A truly complete science set. A science real sampler with amazing adventures. Safe and easy to do. Detailed instructions are included. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 Electronics Discovery Kit
Create Working Electronic Circuits Snap Circuits Jr (SC-100) comes with over 30 components to create 101 different electronic projects. The pieces, which include snap wires, slide switches, an alarm circuit, a music integrated circuit, and a speaker, snap together easily on the included plastic grid–no soldering required. Each piece is numbered and color-coded to make identifying them easy. These components combine to create working circuit boards just like the ones found inside televisions, radios, and other electronic devices. With its easy-to-follow instructions, Snap Circuits gives your child a hands-on education in how electrical circuits work to run the everyday devices that they’re familiar with. They’ll also gain valuable lessons in building and in following instructions. The project manual includes large color illustrations and simple directions for each project. The projects include a sound-activated switch, a musical doorbell, a voice-controlled lamp, a flying saucer, and a light police siren. With these projects, children will experiment with things like electric switches, integrated circuits, digital circuits, fuses, and the transformation of circuit sounds into other sounds. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Star Wars Science – Lightsaber Crystal Growing Lab
Grow and display your own lightsaber crystal! Just mix a liquid solution and watch it crystallize over time and form into a real crystal. Then, display and light-up your creation in your room. Choose the light color from your side of the Force – blue for Jedi or red for the Dark Side! Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
The Magic School Bus – Chemistry Lab
Ms. Frizzle and her students take Young Scientists on a wild ride with the Magic School Bus as they explore the field of chemistry. Young Scientists make sticky ice, use litmus paper, measure pH, perform chromatography, make bubble sculptures, wake-up fungus, create slime, form a bouncy ball, learn about density, produce a milk rainbow, plate copper, explode a volcano, and much, much more! This exhilarating bus-shaped kit comes packed with science components, 51 colorful experiment cards and a data notebook to record observations. Recommended for ages 5 years and up.
Unlock the mysteries of common minerals with the Toysmith mineral Science Kit. The Mineral Science Kit teaches how to test, classify and identify different kinds of minerals. The kit includes fifteen (15) mineral specimens, plus a magnifying viewer and a handy identification guide. Perfect for young science enthusiasts, especially those with an interest in geology. A plastic storage tray keeps the mineral collection together when not in use. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
Volcano Science Kit by National Geographic
Create an eruption with National Geographic’s exciting Volcano Science Kit. Your child will get to cast their own volcano (plaster and mold included), paint it (paint and brush provided), and then make it erupt (includes eruption powder)! Learn about tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcano formation, and volcanic rocks. National Geographic’s learning guide provides many interesting facts and is designed to promote a love of geology and science. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
This physics lab kit is designed to introduce children to the principles of physics and give them a love of scientific discovery which lasts a lifetime. The comprehensive, yet easy to follow manual provides thorough instructions and explanations for all of the 256 different activities included in the kit. Including a total of 80 items needed to carry out the experiments, this kit will keep children eager to come back to learn more about physics and explore the scientific principles which shape their world. Recommended for ages 10 years and up.
The amazing habitat has three planting holes, a multi-depth pool with a see through side, several sitting ledges and much more! The lid has our special positive lock system to make sure the lid can’t fall off and always stays on. Best yet, your Ultimate Habitat comes with everything you need including seeds and germination mixture – just add water! You can catch your critter, buy your own critter, or order a tree frog separately. Recommended for ages 4 years and up.
Transform a used soda pop can into a bug-eyed robot with the 4M Tin Can Robot kit. The 4M Tin Can Robot teaches the value of recycling by repurposing a used can into a fun and functional robot. No special tools or knowledge required; the kit contains detailed instructions and all the necessary parts. Just add a used soda pop can and let the fun begin. Use the kit to create a silly robot or a motorized monster, or a combination of the two. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
The Magic School Bus Space Lab
Ms. Frizzle and her students take Young Scientists on a wild ride with The Magic School Bus as they explore Space. Young Scientists will use the included specialized astronomical device called the Star Pilot to locate constellations both on the star ball and in the night sky. Fun and exciting experiments and activities include making a constellation box, learning about the life cycle of a star, making a solar system mobile, creating a planet poster, making a night-vision flashlight, and much, much more! This inquisitive bus-shaped kit comes packed with science components for the experiments and activities, 20 colorful instruction cards, a 16 page booklet on constellation myths from all around the world, a data notebook, poster and the unique Star Pilot. Recommended for ages 5 years and up.
Kids First Chemistry Set Science Kit
Kick off a chain reaction of fun-filled experiments with this introductory chemistry set designed specifically for young kids. Junior chemists can safely explore simple chemistry using the tools in this kit and common household substances from the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Learn how to use basic chemistry equipment such as filters, test tubes, pipettes, and measuring spoons, and beakers. Make your own test tube racks out of plaster and learn about the chemical reaction that formed them. Conduct experiments to identify different chemicals using reactions, heat, evaporation, and crystallization. Examine the composition of inks and dyes with chromatography experiments, where colors magically separate from one another on a filter paper disk. Explore the properties of water, soaps, and oils. Experiment with acids and bases using indicators (pH strips and cabbage juice) to identify them. Make fizzy reactions with acids and bases to dissolve shells and inflate balloons. Discover the invisible gas carbon dioxide and its very visible effects. The full-color, 48-page manual guides inquisitive young chemists and their adult supervisors through safely conducting each of the 25 experiments. Recommended for ages 8 years and up.
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