Yes, you read that right! Duct Tape!! Who knew you could be so creative with duct tape!
A couple weeks ago I shared with you about a homeschooling family with some young entrepreneurs who have written some fun ebooks. I first told you about Julia and her jewelry-making ebooks, this week I’m introducing you to Warfare by Duct Tape, written by homeschooled brothers Mark and Steven.
If you have boys, you are in for a real treat! Who am I kidding, your girls might like it too – mine wanted to do it right along with their brothers; oh, and your husband!
Warfare by Duct Tape offers 7 instructional ebooks to help you create your own duct tape weapons and armor.
‘Warfare by Duct Tape specializes in e-books that teach you how to create your own duct tape weapons and armor with detailed, step-by-step instructions, patterns, and pictures, and also include information about the thrilling game of duct tape warfare. Chivalry, rules of the game and even ransom money are discussed, along with battle strategies and best of all, historically-based designs for your duct tape creations.’
Choose from 7 different themed ebooks:
- The Battle Book (7.95)
- The Greco-Roman Book (7.95)
- The Barbarian Book (7.95)
- The Knight Book (9.95)
- The Armor of God Book (7.95)
- The Beginner Book (7.95)
- The Armored Glove Book (6.95)
I let my 2 oldest boys and my husband decide which book to try out. It was a unanimous decision – The Knight Book. After a quick trip to the hardware store to get some PVC, PVC insulation, and of course duct tape, the boys and their Dad had a blast making their own knight swords. I wasn’t too involved with this project – I gave my husband the ipad with the downloaded ebook on it and the boys went to work. I checked in every so often to see how things were going. My husband said the book was nicely done and easy to follow. This was right up my husband’s and boys’ alley and they are already planning out what weapon they will make next.
This is a unique and creative activity for all the warriors in your home, and these books would make a perfect project supplement during your ancient history studies too!
Would you like to try a little sampling of what you can make with the Warfare by Duct Tape ebooks? Download the Throwing Axe Booklet for FREE!
And here is your chance to win a
Warfare by Duct Tape ebook of your own.
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