Going from the crib to the bed is a big transition for kids. It’s new and unfamiliar, which can cause fear and insecurities to creep up. Your child may miss and cry for her crib at first and refuse to go to bed. In addition, she will also have the freedom to get up and down as she pleases, which can make keeping her in bed all night a little difficult. However, every child needs to move to a big girl or big boy bed eventually so here is how you can make it a little easier.
Here are five tips to help make transitioning from crib to bed go a little smoother for everyone:
Establish a regular bedtime before making the transition. This is important because if your child is already used to going to bed at a certain time, she will be sleepy and ready for bed at that time.
Place her favorite blanket and all of her sleeping toys in the new bed to make her feel more secure and at ease.
Allow your child to help pick out her new bed and bedding. This will make moving to the bed a lot more fun for her, which will make her more excited about the change.
Use books and videos to help her see that big kids sleep in a big bed. It’s helps kids to understand that this transition means she is growing up, so it’s time for big girl things, which includes a new bed.
Be patient and understanding when she cries for her crib. Making this transition can be difficult for some toddlers but you can put her mind at ease with a smile and kind words ensuring her that everything will be fine.
Don’t rush your child to move into a big bed. If she is still comfortable and safe in her crib, there is no need to rush. Allow her stay in the crib until she is ready to change or it becomes necessary. When the time is right, use these tips to help make the transition a little easier for her.
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