These common homeschooling issues are some that beginners usually make at one point or another. Find out how you can avoid these in this article!
So, you have decided to homeschool? Great! Join the bandwagon. But before you go deep into this, I hope you have got everything figured out.
Many homeschoolers burn out after some time because either they were not well prepared or they fell into the traps we are going to discuss in this article. Learn how to avoid these homeschooling traps that newbies fall into when they start out.
4 Homeschooling Issues for Newbies to Avoid
Overdoing or slacking off
Homeschooling needs to be done just right. Do not overdo and do not slack off.
When you overdo, both you and your kids will burn out at some point. I know you would like your kids to know and learn everything there is on earth within one year, but it is just not realistic.
One of the most common homeschooling issues arises when enrolling their kids into piano classes, a foreign language, art classes, gym, PE, sciences, writing classes…you name it. All in one year.
Sooner or later, one of you will burn out. It also sucks the fun out of it and you start to feel like it’s a burden. The moment that feeling creeps in, you will not enjoy homeschooling anymore.
Do not slack off either. I know that when homeschooling, you have the benefit of not following a specific time schedule like other kids in public school do. Remember that you have a curriculum and you might find that the year had flown by, with nothing much covered. Then you start running around trying to cram a year’s worth of work into a few weeks.
Being a slave to the curriculum
A curriculum should not be your bible when homeschooling. It merely serves as a guideline on what you need to cover in specific areas throughout the year. Take it as it is and then create your own specific and customized schedule.
Make your homeschooling schedule different from that of public schools so that the kids can find some form of distinction between the two. You can even homeschool throughout the year if you so wish. Just make sure you work with the needs of your kids and family.
Related: How to Try Homeschool Curriculum for FREE Before You Buy
Being disorganized
I know this could be tough particularly if you are trying to homeschool more than one kid. No matter what you do, they will always find a way to bring back the chaos. These homeschooling issues can be avoided when you keep the classroom well organized.
The resources should be kept in an easily accessible place. This will help you save on time and energy as you try to look for something you need for a particular subject. Engage your kids and assign them roles, ensuring that they return resources to their respective places after they are done with them.
Having unrealistic expectations
You may start homeschooling with the thought that soon enough, your kid will be doing 6th grade math when they are in 2nd grade by end of the year. You are only setting yourself for disappointment and frustration.
You need to take it easy and be very realistic about what your goals are and how you are going to achieve them. For instance, do not cram a whole year’s work into one quarter. Work at the pace of your kid. After all, you are out to offer them quality versus quantity.
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