The Christmas season is upon us! And while this is a joyous and festive time of the year, it can also be a time of financial stress and worry for some.
That is why I’m teaming up with 25 other bloggers to bring you a Christmas Blessings Giveaway for $500 Paypal cash! We understand the stress of fulfilling our kids’ Christmas lists, or having an unexpected bill to pay, or even just having enough money to put gas in the car and coats on our kids.
We hope to lift some of that burden for one family and bless them with $500 Paypal cash to use for whatever their family needs. Whether it’s for Christmas gifts, to pay off bills, or to save for a rainy day, we hope this giveaway will bless a family this holiday season. And we are blessed to be a blessing as well.
You can earn a lot of entries in the Rafflecopter form below. I know it can seem tedious and time consuming to go through all the entries, but isn’t a chance at $500 worth it? I think it is! Plus, if all of these generous bloggers didn’t participate, we wouldn’t have been able to have such a big prize! So I hope you will take the time to go through each entry. Who knows, maybe you will find some new blogs to follow.
The giveaway will run from Monday, December 7th through Sunday, December 13th (ends at 11:59pm EST). Winner will be notified by email shortly after the giveaway ends and will have 48 hours to respond to claim the prize or another winner will be drawn. You must have a Paypal account to win.
Winning this would enable me to comfortably buy gifts for all six of my children and DIL and grandson.
Six kids! I hope YOU win. I’m not even going to enter to up your chances. merry Christmas.
$500 would be such a blessing to my family to help pay the bills this month and provide for some necessities for the kids.
Thanks for offering this – what a great way to bless homeschool families for the holidays! It would be a great blessing to us that would help us keep up on utilities through the winter. 🙂
Blessings, indeed! 😉
It would bless my family this year by being able to buy everything for christmas. Some christmas treats and some toys the kids want. Thanks!
What a wonderful time for a giveaway. Your blog is always inspirational to me and I use many ideas in my home school/daycare. I was recently released from a 7 day stay in the hospital after which I was told that I would have died by morning if I hadn’t gone to the ER when I did. Although blessed that my life was spared, the fear of being unable to pay for that care is overwhelming. I will continue to visit your blog for inspiration. Thank you.
We could use it to pay off some bills. Thank you.
Thanks! What a blessing it would be to have $ in my paypal account so I could purchase some of the great products I read about in this blog and others: games for the children, activities to use for school, studies to encourage me as a Christian, wife, mom, and teacher.
It would definitely help us to stretch our funds so we could be a blessing to others as well.
Would be great help for our finances
This would be a big blessing in my familys life. Thank you for the opportunity.
The contest would be such a blessing to our family because my husband doesn’t usually get a Christmas bonus, and we would like to get our 2 younger daughters one nice gift.
What a great opportunity! I’m sure this will be a blessing to whomever wins 🙂
We would use it to buy medicine for all of us.
We would use the money to take a trip back home to NY. We are a little homesick and missing family and friends. Thanks for the opportunity.
The Home School Adventure Co. and The Tidy Mom subscription links did not work.
Thanks for letting me know! It’s all fixed now.
It would be a blessing to get some debt paid off.
it would help me to buy things to help get me started eating the THM way. Also, help pay bills, buy some books…
Would love to pay off the car!
My son’s young family of 6 is in need. Would so love to bless them with this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you for this opportunity to lesson the financial burden this time of year! 🙂
This will help us pay off our Christmas bills!
This would go very far toward helping us pay cash for a van for our growing family of 3 kids and counting.
Many blessings to all during this holiday season!
This could help us get some things we need for our new baby that’s on the way. We are going through a hard time financially right now and could really really use this.
Who couldn’t use $500…especially at Christmas?! 🙂
This will be a blessing to my family because I will be able to pay bills and get great Christmas presents for my loved ones. Happy Holidays everyone!
Thanks so much for this giveaway opportunity. I’m sure it’d be a blessing to anyone who wins!
Thank you so much for this giveaway!! What a blessing!!
I accidentally put my the wrong Twitter name in the Rafflecopter – mine is @mobaysinger ,,, not @moniquebaysinger….. Sorry! I can’t find the way to go back and fix it!
No problem Monique!
I could pay off the computers that I had to buy.
Our van has a leak that has become bad, and we are car shopping about 6 months sooner than expected.
I could sure this win. Recovering from major back surgery, have not worked in a year. Trying to get disability. Could really use this win. Thanks for the opportunity.
We’d love to take a trip next summer to visit family that live 3,000 miles away.
Thanks for the chance!
Hubby lost his job last month.
$500 would be a huge blessing to pay bills!
My family isn’t expecting much for Christmas, this would be a wonderful surprise for them.
I’m not sure how we’d use the money yet. Our family would pray about how to use it. We just might add it to the emergency fund, or use it toward a ticket for our son to visit family with us that he’s never met. He’s 9 years old.
I could use $500 to buys additional resources and more curriculum.
Awesome! We would start by getting jeans and shoes for our 6 children. What a blessing it would be!!
Thanks for the chance.
This money would help us be able to travel to visit our daughters for Christmas!
This would help tremendously as our family is in a difficult financial situation this year.
I live in a depressed area with many homeless and I would use the money to buy some warm winter items for them as it gets quite cold here in NH.
The money would help us prepare for a trip and do some house repairs. Thanks for the giveaway!
Winning this would be an amazing blessing! We could provide something nice for the whole family.
I have 4 children, and 2 of their birthdays are in December… this would be a huge blessing! Thanks for the chance to win!
This would certainly help in paying some bills.
A weekend away!
this would help us have a wonderful Christmas dinner and be able to invite some friends that are less fortunate than we are
My family is blessed, but this money could help give a little bit back to one of the multiple animal rescues helping the dogs and cats in need find their furever families! I would also love an opportunity to use some of the money for a weekend getaway with my boyfriend to celebrate our anniversary.
I will help it to cover my expenses for the plane tickets to england for my family
It would definitely help my family personally a whole bunch since it’s been tight lately and Christmas coming right up. Thanks for giving out and Good luck to all!
It will help us get caught up on bills and get our car fixed.
this would surely be a blessing to my family, in that way my parents don’t need to spend for Christmas, i’d spend the money for my kids, family and relatives.. i love to give and with that amount i can do so much with that 🙂
I will use the winning to buy gifts for my daughter who turns 6 this month.
Thanks for the chance to win!
It would be helpful for our travels home for Christmas.
This money would bless my children by allowing me to buy their Christmas gifts stress free. Thanks for the chance!
Wow what a great prize!
Thanks for this giveaway !
In recent years, our income has decreased while our expenses have not. We could really use this money. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
It would allow me to be able to afford to visit my sisters for Christmas 🙂
We shall pay tax on home and car.
My hubbie was out of work for 2 months after surgery while I was dealing with cancer. Our finances have taken a blow and things have been so tight we are now working 6-7 days a week just to stay afloat. $500. Would sure be another great blessing to go along with getting our health back. Praise be to Jesus.
I lost my job to a plant closing. It has been 2 months and I only have had 2 interview. I really need groceries.
Thank you for hosting such a fantastic give-away!
I’d use the money to help our monthly budget while hubby looks for a job. Thank you!
I love to travel, so this money would go towards an amazing adventure with my hubby!
This blog is great! Trying to find games and activities that are fun AND God-based for my second grade class is sometimes difficult. Mother-lode here! Tammi
This would be a blessing so we can buy some groceries and catch up on some bills. We haven’t even been able to Christmas shop yet and thats looking bleak
a huge blessing I would buy a laptop for the family to skype with and play word and math games and study to help with homework
Reduce my credit card balance
This $500 prize money will ease my dependence towards my family prior to my job which eventually less the burden on my family plus i will pay my towered Credit card bill by this money as well.
we recently moved into a new (old) house and it needs lots of stuff so this would be extremely helpful!
You’ll have no idea…
Winning it would enable me to save it for a rainy day.
I would love to bless my family with some special gifts and would definitely help my brother with some dental bills!
Well for one it’d help us buy more presents.
Christmas is a season which truly inspires us about the God’s kind of love, wherein, He first expressed the true spirit of love & giving through His only begotten Son Lord Jesus Christ who became the Saviour of mankind. This had taught us the real meaning of Christmas by giving up the comfortable life for the sake of others. Thus, I am, earnestly desiring to win this contest to receive the $500 paypal cash because if I will be declared as a winner for this contest I am deeply desiring to contribute as my love gift a part of this amount for our local church which is currently doing a broad air condition- installation because it is a former warehouse. I am, also, desiring to share some of the amount for a less fortunate single mom who is my disciple in our local church. I pray the Lord will grant my prayer request for this if it is His will. Thank you and God bless us all! (:
winning this giveaway would help with buying gifts for our large family this year
It would be great for the whole family!!!
$500 would allow my wife and I the opportunity to take care of some things we have been putting off.
winning this would be such a blessing, and would help pay off some bills.
This would help me get a little something for everyone including a telescope for my husband that the whole family could enjoy. 🙂
It would be nice to win this prize to spent it on Christmas gifts. Thanks for this amazing giveaway and have a nice holidays!!
What a blessing this would be!
I would use it to buy food, make a great feast for family and friends.
This is an awesome giveaway! I would love to win this for me and my son!
It’s been a long since I last bought a present to my parents, so winning this would be wondeful for me.
Winning this would bless my husband as he starts his new woodworking business venture!
My youngest sons Birthday is 5 days after Christmas and my youngest daughters Birthday is 7 days after his. So December and January are rough months. If I won this would go towards being able to get them Christmas and Birthday presents instead of having to combine them all together.
We have had a lot of financial burdens this year for our family, so we would definitely use this money for something fun as a family. We’re tired of putting all our hard earned money on just the serious stuff… It’s time to create some memories for 2016 🙂 Would love it!
this would bless our homeschool!
This would be a great win to start the new year. I would be able to buy my girls some new clothes and/or shoes!
Thanks for this.
My mother will be so happy.
Because I can use the money for my education by shirt and books and needs.
My husband recently changed jobs and he is making a little less than he was before. It was a necessary step he had to take to move forward. But in the mean time it’s made things a little tighter around here. An extra $500 would be a big blessing for us, especially with the holidays.
Wow, what an awesome giveaway!
This money would go toward paying off dental bill and would be a huge blessing
It will help me buy christmas presents for the kids
would be able to payoff some of my medical bills.
May this blessing to others come back to you 10x!!
For us this will be such a help and will mainly be used to make sure we are sorted foodwise. Thanks
What a great giveaway. Thank yiu
This would be a wonderful blessing for my family (and a great birthday present–my birthday is on the 13th!)
Winning this would allow us to fix our car. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Thanks for spreading joy, and for this awesome giveaway!
We would be able to pay bills, buy some curriculum and give some nice gifts!
This would be a tremendous blessing to my family. As a single mother of two daughters in college having any extra funds never happens. I am blessed that my daughters ask for what they need as gifts, and this would help so much in getting what they need but I love getting a surprise or two for them that they want and this would make that possible. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
$500 would help us over the hump of the christmas shutdown. It is nice to have hubby home for the holidays but it hurts the pocketbook a bit :\
what a blessing this would be – for any of us right now! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Living paycheck to paycheck and often coming up short.
This would bless my family in so many ways, thank you for hosting this giveaway xo
What an awesome opportunity. Thank you!
$500 paypal cash — woo hoo! I’d probably stock up the pantry! (Lots of hungry mouths.)
Amazing giveaway! The winner will be so blessed:)
What a wonderful blessing this will be for whoever receives it. Best of goodness to all.
This will help with funding for my Relay for Life team I’m volunteering on.
Since I’m currently unemployed during the holidays, winning would allow me to buy my friends and family actual gifts this holiday season.
I will buy gifts for my family and friends and this prize help me very much for make a wonderful Christmas and a New Years Eve.
What a wonderful thing you all are doing! God bless you!
$500 would be VERY helpful right now for sure!!! Between Christmas and bills, making ends meet and stretch and be tough!!!
Wow! That would really help us reallocate money to help get out of debt faster! What a great giveaway!
Could definitely use this!
Paying the off Doctor’s Bill – finally
Let’s just say it’s been a rough year. I could use this money to get Christmas presents for my daughter and her family.
Thank you for this chance to win! I would use some of the money to buy additional supplies for my students in the classroom, a massage for myself, and use the rest to buy small gifts to donate to the community for those in need.
Winning this will let me buy gifts as I am out of work
This would help me get the next levels for our curriculum.
this would really help with the christmas presents
I would bless some missionary friends as well as my family with this .
I am a single mom of 7 (husband left us), and this would help us so much. I would use it for our bills and save some for homeschool books.
$500 would mean another Christmas where we don’t have to pretend we make so little.
This money would bless our family after the birth of our second child with paying hospital bills.
Winning this money would greatly relieve the stress of trying to pay bills and buy groceries. My husband is finishing up his degree and I am trying to run two small businesses from home, while homeschooling our four children. It’s tight.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
This money would be used for furthering my ministry…Encouraging Women Everywhere, in faith…in life.
God Bless,
It would make a lovely gift for a dear friend who is struggling financially!
This would be a blessing because I only work a couple weeks in December (we are closed for two weeks). Thank you
Your website is such a blessing to so many, thank you for sharing your joy filled life with others!
Merry Christmas and a blessed new year to you and your family.
I would be blessed by winning this because it would mean that I could visit my family for Christmas.
We would like to repair my son’s vehicle, he was in an accident around Thanksgiving and bullied on a social media site.
Winning this would help us take care of some necessities for the month! Thank you!
This would bless our family tremendously!! We’ve had a very rough year financially, physically, and emotioinally. Literally the absolute WORST year of my entire life. This would help me give my 3 kids a great Christmas and reduce a lot of my stress and worry. Thanks for the chance!
What an awesome gift this will be for whoever wins. Thank you for sharing so many great resources with your followers
I use eBay all the time for gifts and homeschool supplies so extra PayPal cash would come in handy now and all year long!
We could help others with their Christmas as well as finish our Christmas shopping.
What a blessing this is ! Thank you 🙂 ~ Amy
What a blessing! Thank you for doing this!
$500 would help us catch up from a really rough year. It would be a huge blessing
It would help pay bills. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Winning this would help me to purchase gifts for our extended family and to pay off a few bills. We’ve already finished shopping for our 6 kids. They get 3 gifts each, and boy, even inexpensive gifts really add up!
It would be a blessing in just being able to keep up with bills, especially as we head into winter. Having a century old house with an old converted coal-to-oil furnace, we go through a good bit of oil in the winter months,
Winning this would mean not having to juggle my car payment and electric bill.
It would bless my family where my husband and I could go and get away to some place quiet, just to be still. You see we just celebrated our grandsons birthday who turned 6 on yesterday December 11th and today December 12th would have been my mother-in-love 80th birthday but she passed away suddenly just exactly 2 months ago on Monday morning on October 12th and then we will be remembering his father who passed away suddenly on Christmas Day, December 25, 2009. So this December 2015 is a joyous one but also a sad one for our family.
Honestly, I would probably spend the money on school supplies. “Look, sweetie! You got a new math workbook for Christmas!”
we will be pcs’ing for Christmas, so this could help with travel bills
We are in a financial crisis right now. Winning this giveaway will be very meaningful for us in many ways.
Would put some of it toward more gifts and some in savings as husband’s job is not certain.
It would help us to welcome our baby #6, arriving in February 🙂
Hello and God bless you for having such a blessed offer for us! I really enjoy your reading your blog and this would be such a blessing for my family. May God continue to bless you and guide you in everything that you do!
What a blessing it would be to win this giveaway! We would be able to pay some bills, drive to see family on Christmas and share some of the gift with another person or family in need this year. Thank you for the possibility and putting this giveaway together!
This would be awesome!!
It would help to relieve some stress from my husband because we have an unexpected plumbing emergency that is expensive to repair.
I think this would be a blessing to any family this time of year. Our help personally, we have had many major items fall apart in our house the last 6 months. This money would help get us caught up with our bills.
this would really be a blessing to my family because It would help us catch up on bills and buy winter clothes for my family
$500 could help me catch up on some bills which would be a huge blessing.
Thanks for this opportunity
All of our insurance payments are due this month: car insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance. $500 would be helpful in offsetting these expenses.
Winning this giveaway would allow me to buy Christmas gifts for my family and items needed for our baby boy due in February. This is so sweet, thank you for the opportunity!
This would be a blessing to cover a few Christmas gifts for the family. Thank you.
Oh my, this would be such a blessing!This time of year is always so slow where my husband works…and being a one income family, we take a hit. This would help so much with a couple of bills and getting the kids a few extras…and probably having a little left over for our local food pantry.
We have been having a financially rough year and winning this giveaway would be a great blessing to help with home heating cost this winter.
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity. Your site is always great!
Thank you for the chance. This would be a huge blessing for car repairs and homeschooling curriculum
Whoever wins will be so blessed!
I would use this money to start a small business. I’ve been thinking of ways to help supplement my husband’s income and I have a couple of ideas I’d like to try. However, it takes money, even a small amount, to get going. Thanks for the chance!
With this money I could buy gifts for all my family. It would be a wonderful surprise for them and I would be delighted to share my joy with my family.
This giveaway would help our family tremendously. We have had a hard year. I have not been able to work for over 2 years due to disability/ illness. I use to be the breadwinner. My husband went back to work to support our family but we are having a hard time making ends meet. God provides though. He has always provided for all our needs. I know Christmas gifts are more of a “want.” Thank you for the opportunity. I hope that a very deserving family wins!
Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!
We are spending our first Christmas overseas as first year missionaries. It would encourage and bless our family to have a “little extra” to make this Southern Hemisphere Christmas special.
We would use the money to visit my family in Florida. My boys have 2 little cousins they have yet to meet.
This would be a huge blessing to our family – we could buy some much needed resources as we change our missionary work to some low-paid pastoral work. Thanks for all you do and the online support 🙂
Thanks for running the giveaway! If I won, the money would go toward paying off our heating bill.
It would be such a blessing for my family. My husband is currently out of work, so it would help in so many ways.
Wow! What an awesome giveaway and blessing this would be to any family at this time of year. Thank you for the opportunity.
We could get the heat fixed in out car!
This give away would be a huge blessing to my family. After having a baby this year, my older son having some medical problems, cash is tight and we have had to tell our oldest child that some things are just too expensive this year!
Wow! Winning this would really help with holiday gifting!
My finances are very stretched , but list of friends, family and church family is long. This money would help me be a blessing to others during this Christmas Season.
Great giveaway! It will be such a blessing to whoever is selected. Thanks for the opportunity!
Winning this would be way more than enough to buy the kids (7) Christmas and give to charity as well.
I’d be able to buy food for my family
This would be very helpful in paying off debts and helping others. Thank you!
Winning this would allow us to purchase some hand held musical instruments and supplies for our Children’s Ministry.
My family has been in long-term financial hardship due to under-employment. This gift would be God’s amazing provision for our family! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your raffle.
I would be able to bless a few friends that I normally can’t. That would be so great!
Winning this would bless our little family by being able to help pay off our student loans quicker!
Thank you for this giveaway!! It would help so much!!
Winning this will help us pay off some bills and on our way to becoming debt free!
It would help bless our family by being able to put it towards a new water softener for the house. Those things are not cheap lol
What a great giveaway-would love this to help with Christmas expenses!
Money is so tight at this time of year, but especially when we have one in college. Our family would be able to pay off some debt.
I’d have most of the funds to pay for my certifications.
Winning this would help me be a blessing to my sister.
To be honest, this year has been a rough one for us and this would come in ever so handy in getting caught up with bills!!
We don’t own a stove…only a toaster oven…so, it would be nice to be able to buy a stove/oven! Thanks and God bless!
Winning this would help us be able to visit family this Christmas. <3
I’ll be buying homeschool books if I win!
Christmas cash! Thank you for offering this 🙂
Hubby is transitioning between jobs. This would be such a blessing to cover between the pay days. Not sure when he’s getting paid.
Thank you!
I would be able to get some more bills taken care of so we can have more freedom!
Winning the $500 would go a long way to helping to pay back medical expenses and bless others as well!
We have no working vehicle. The little money we have is being used for a rental. This can only go through this coming Wednesday at the latest. While we may get some money for a trade-in (not running car), we have nothing else. This money would help us toward a down payment. At the very least, please pray that God will work a miracle for us. Thanks.
I love the look and feel of your blog! It’s cute, friendly and not too busy or overwhelming. I just got here, so I’m going to go surfing now! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work, TIME and talents with the www! – TKT
With 8 kids and 2 grandkids, $500 would help us bless all these kids at Christmas!
$500 would pay for homeschool needs and groceries!! Hubby just seperated from military and no job lined up yet.
This would be a huge help with the cost of therapy related items and maybe helping to fix the hole in our ceiling so it might sell…
This would be such a blessing …. And will be for somebody! Thank you for the thoughtfulness of this giveaway!
What a great Christmas blessing for someone! We would be able to bless some friends who have been out of work in a big way!
Hubby just started new job after being laid off for 4 weeks. We decided the only thing we can do is make each child their own coupon book. But 500? Yes please 🙂
This would help us pay for gas to travel halfway across the country to see my husband’s family for Christmas and to tide us over into the new year.
Will help putting some towards the energy bill to ensure they do not cut us off during winter time & some for Christmas gifts for family!
Thank you for this chance to have extra for Christmas and pay off bills.
The winnings would go towards creating Christmas for my preschoolers and birthday presents for 2 teens with birthdays 1 week after Christmas so we can use our cash to fix the van. 🙂
This would help us so much! We are trying to work on paying off my husband’s student loans, besides just catching up on regular bills, and trying to save up to take a family vacation next year. This would be amazing! 🙂
This would help our family with some needs, bills, and Christmas gifts. I can imagine the many ways I could stretch this.
This would be such a blessing! It would help with monthly expenses and to pay for a few presents.
We could use any extra cash for bills. You think you can be really frugal with homeschooling but sometimes things just jump right up and get you. Thanks for the opportunity!
This would help us buy books for the winter term, but either way, someone is going to be blessed! ???
Winning this cash will help my family afford a trip down south to meet my newborn nephew.
$500 would be a huge blessing. We purchase Christmas presents for kids in our community, and I am going back to college in the fall, so every thing we can put away helps.
I would be able to purchase the laptop my Daughter wants.
What a wonderful giveaway! We, like many other families, have had many difficulties this year. This would be a huge blessing to help pay overdue bills, and provide Christmas for our 4 little ones, but we would also want to donate a portion to help someone else in need!I know there are many people with financial worries this time of year, and the winner will be greatly blessed by your generosity! Merry Christmas!
Would be the perfect blessing for us. To get some presents for our kids online and then in turn be able to help my mom with Dental work she desperately needs. It’s been a rough year with medical expenses, car breaking down constantly & now our house AC just went. The money for my moms dental expenses flew out the window. So with this if we are blessed with winning would really help us to be able to give that to her for a Christmas gift. But whoever is given this gift, Merry Christmas! God truly hears your prayers. And to who is giving this thank you so very much for such a generous heart, have a very Merry Christmas!!
My husband got laid off last month and is still looking for a job, and I am a stay home mom so $500 would be huge blessing for us at Christmas.
This will help us pay some bills.
This giveaway would be such a blessing! We are so blessed and grateful for God’s provision, but I admit I get bogged down with trying to homeschool, trying to make ends meet on one income, trying to keep up with the things breaking in our ole house, trying to stay on top of things with the vehicles, trying to afford some music or sports for the kids…the list goes on. This is so generous and will be a huge blessing and answer to prayer for whoever receives it!
I seem to be having internet issues, so I’m not sure if my last comment went through. My husband got laid off last month and is still looking for a job, with me being a stay at home mom doing homeschooling that has definitely put some stress on us. $500 would be a huge blessing at this time of the year.
Winning would give me the ability to go see my mom more without gas money looming. She has terminal cancer and lives 3 hours from me. I could do a little more for her.
This would be amazing… enough to pay some bills! Thanks for the chance!
It’s been a tough year financially for us but we are trusting God to provide. If I won I’d use the money to pay off hospital bills.
Winning this giveaway would help pay down some debt! Thanks for the contest! 🙂
It would help pay down car payments since my husband’s paid off car was backed into on Christmas Eve last year.
Who wouldn’t love winning $500 buckaroos? I’ve already got my eye on several homeschool curriculum choices that I’d snag first. 🙂
This would absolutely bless our family by giving us a chance to just get ahead! It’s been a really tough few years and the relief you feel from just being one step ahead of the paycheck to paycheck cycle is something people just can’t understand unless they’ve been there!
It would help out on winter bills…and maybe some stocking stuffers!!
I would love to win this to be able to buy something for my loved ones.
Winning this would really help to cover Christmas and homeschool costs.
We’ve had a houseguest for the past 4 weeks, and for 2 more weeks, so this would really help with expenses!
We would like to visit out of state family over the holidays. This would help a lot with traveling costs!
Thanks for your nice offers
Blessings back upon all those who gave to make this opportunity happen.
It would be such a blessing to win $500 in order to pay off some debt we accumulated while hubby was out of a job.
$500 would allow us to get some of the “fun” homeschool items to revive our homeschool after the holidays.
If we win this giveaway, we would be able to put it towards fixing our beautiful piano that was gifted to our family a year ago but needs many repairs. We want so badly to get it into working order so our 4 children can begin learning the gift of music by playing the piano!
Winning this would enable me to purchase Christmas gifts for my family. Things are really tight this year and there may not be gifts.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for homeschoolers!
Winning would be a real blessing for my family, because we always try to help those less fortunate than ourselves, especially at this time of year!
It would definitely help with Christmas presents for our 5 kiddos! 🙂
Amazing give away. This would really help get our homeschooling off the ground.
This prize would definitely be a blessing I would be able to pay of some bills.
Our car is in need of repair and my husband is no longer receiving a Christmas bonus, but God always provides!
This money would help me to buy curriculum
I love your email updates and blog! Thank you for all you do!
Winning would allow us to buy some Christmas gifts for our children and also buy some things for our Children’s Ministry area at church that we have been wanting but don’t have a budget for!
Love your Blog. Thanks for sharing with us. Winning would be a huge blessing because we have been without an income for several months, but even if we don’t win it, we are still blessed. God Bless! 🙂
What a blessing to have a giveaway like this!
Wow, that would be amazing to get some of the gifts that we just would never get and be able to help us in this season.
How fun! I would love to pay off braces for my daughter. But, it might be fun to go on a weekend get away.
This would help pay some bills.
Five hundred dollars would help us keep our only car. Or keep our house heated and the lights on for another month.
This would bless my family by allowing us to buy Winter shoes and clothing this year.
will definitely help pay the bills,would be an amazing blessing.
Thanks! This would definitely help with college textbooks and other college expenses! 😀
My husband has not worked in a while, so this would help pay bills and give a little Christmas to my girls.
Well not to speak how much blessing it would be returning some debts and not have to go into another loan from bank which is probably next thing which my family has to do, yeah apparently everyone has some problems, but lets speak about all the blessing and happiness for my family if we could also buy some little things to gift each others and celebrate a relaxed and quit Christmas with each others.
This would be such a blessing to our family. My husband’s pay has been cut at work and it has been a struggle to pay our bills. I would be able to pay our bills and finish Christmas for our 5 children.
I think everyone could use this.
It would be a real blessing by giving me the opprtunity to buy the Blog Planner I need so much to start my own business from home,
Winning would mean being able to give our daughter a nice Christmas after a very rough year for her. It would also mean being able to pay a little extra towards medical bills and maybe stash some away to save toward some of our bigger home repairs that we need. Thank you for the chance.
Thank you for this giveaway, I will buy some Christmas gifts for my family.
It would mean giving our family a better Christmas. For the most part the kids are very simple and happy so it would make our dinner bigger and my baking larger. I would also use it to give back and give a family dinner to a family in need! I would also use it towards more yarn since I donate hats, and prayer shawls to cancer patients.
I would make happy all my family. Thanks.
I’m a single, working, homeschooling mom and just missed a week’s pay due to the flu, so this $500 would be a huge help this month; yet after reading others’ comments, I want so many other people to win, too! May God provide for us all according to His riches in glory, as we trust Him!
Your ideas are such a blessing as a preschool teacher! The $500would be an amazing blessing to my family
Oh it will be amazing, will pay some bills. will be all happy.
Winning this $500 would allow me to get some homeschool materials that are needed for the coming semester.
This is so nice of you (and all those who put this together). I would love to win and be able to pay for groceries and car repairs, but so many others need this as well. Bless you for this opportunity.
My husband might lose his job soon, so this would help my family out a lot!
Winning this giveaway would sure help pay for our travel expenses to see family for Christmas. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! Merry Christmas!
who couldn’t use 500$ at christmas time with all the extra money spent on presents!
I would use it to get snow tires on my sons car
This would help us with some medical bills that have popped up
Thanks for the amazing contest at Christmastime. Our dishwasher has been out of commission for a year – it would be such a blessing to get it fixed!
It would allow me to finish my Christmas shopping so everyone will get what they want
It would be a blessing for us because it would help us bless others too.
How awesome! Thank you for offering the giveaway. And, Merry Christmas!
School curriculum and supplies!
I’d be able to put secure locks on all of my doors. It would be a blessing to stop worrying about break-in’s that are becoming more and more common in my area.
Every year we go back to my home town in New Mexico. The $500 would greatly lift the financial burden of this trip for us. Thank You!!
We are trying to get out of debt.