It’s Back to (Home) School time!!
It’s that time of year, when many homeschoolers are busy preparing for a new school year. Some of you may have already started your new year, and some of you may have never stopped! Ah, the blessing of homeschooling – to be able to do what suits your family.
Speaking of blessing, I’ve gotten together with a group of bloggers to bless a homeschooling family with $500 (Paypal) CASH! We’ve put our resources together to bring you a giveaway for a chance of winning $500.
We know homeschooling can put financial strain on families – whether it’s from living on one-income or buying curriculum for your children – the financial aspect of it can be stressful. Our hope is that we can monetarily bless a homeschool family so they can buy the curriculum they need, pay off a bill or two, or be able to have their kids participate in extra curricular activities.
For your chance to win, simple use the Rafflecopter form below to enter –
Giveaway ends August 25th, 2015 at 11:59pm EDT. Must be at least 18 years of age. Selected winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn.
Do you like books? How about FREE books?
How would you like to get some Usborne books for FREE? By hosting an Usborne Book party on Facebook with me, you could earn FREE books. Hosting a party is simple and I do most of the work for you. If you are interested in booking a party, leave me a comment below or contact me here. If you are interested in sharing Usborne books by becoming a consultant, I can help you with that too!
It would be a great blessing to finish buying the curriculum we’ve chosen this year. With a pay cut for hubby and a dead fridge, it’s tight here!
With four kids each needing or wanting activities, this would go a long way.
Thanks for the giveaway!
What a blessing it would be to win. Both my husband and I work but still just barely make ends meet with all of our student debt! This would help pay for curriculum and some field trips! 🙂 Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Winning this will bless my family immensely as our budget is tight while my husband is in school. We may be able to start an on-line music program for the children (since one on one music lessons are so expensive).
Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂
My husband got laid off from his job this summer. We still have some curriculum needs but don’t have any extra money right now. My son also has a birthday coming up and it would be nice to get him a present. It would also help with some of our needs bc there’s just not any extra at all in the budget right now. So, curriculum, birthday presents, and other needs that we have right now.
What a blessing this would be….I’d love to order some enrichment activities for the boys.
This would bless our family by giving us a great start with building our library!
This giveaway would be a huge blessing to us to be able to have all the essentials needed for homeschooling. I found a free curriculum to use to cut costs but still need some things to go along with it.
We have an adult child in cosmetology school and the younger two take music lessons. There is always something and a little extra cash is always a blessing.
It would bless us to be able to purchase my daughter’s 7th grade curriculum.
Winning would be a blessing so I could enroll my son in extracurricular activities. He has been interested in martial arts for a while but we haven’t been able to squeeze it into our budget.
I’m a single, homeschooling mom of 6, so this will help me pay our bills, including homeschooling ones!
It would definitely help us relax on bills and animal feed for all of our farm animals.
This would bless my family in the fact that we would be able to put it towards a staycation for rewarding such good school work during winter break.
We live on a single income and homeschool an ADHD 5th grader and a pre-K for the first time this year, so we need plenty of resources. Thank you very much for the chance!
We would use the money to buy a lot of books, our language arts program, math textbooks, and art supplies for my art loving kids!
We’re a family with executive function difficulties, trying to start homeschooling our child with multiple disabilities. We have no money to purchase curriculum…we have to borrow from our parents just to keep our transportation running, and our house is still torn up with no space around the table to sit to do work thanks to a pipe bursting last winter. This would be a huge blessing for us so we could get materials and prepare a good space for learning.
Winning this giveaway would certainly be a blessing to our family! It would help us afford extracurricular activities as well as purchasing curriculum for years of homeschooling ahead.
This would bless us by being able to afford (without worry) the extracurricular activities our girls like to do. Thank you.
It would allow us to buy the curriculum needed for my 8th grader & 2nd grader. Thank you!
Thank you for the giveaway! If my name is drawn I’d be buying high school lab supplies and the random little bits of curricula we still need for this school year. 🙂 I’ve been picking them up in bits and pieces as we can, and the new year is here already. Bam.
This would be such a blessing to win!
My husband works 2 jobs so I can stay home and homeschool. Plus, I am looking forward to next year, which will be our first year of high school – where all the curriculum is more expensive.
What a blessing!
This money would help with music lessons and field trips!
This would pay off some bills so we could do more extra curricular activities throughout our year!
Extra cash for curriculum would bless our family by freeing up funds for other fun things, like ballet lessons. 🙂
Money is a blessing, but the best part of winning would be sharing with my children how God continues to provide. We would use the money toward purchasing high school curriculum for our oldest which we have been praying over.
What a blessing this would be as we close on our very first home! Thanks for the opportunity!!
As my kids get older the books get more expensive. I’d love to win!
This blessing would allow this pastor’s family on a minimal budget to put our kids into some lessons we have wanted for a long time, but cannot afford…mainly because of up front costs. These are things like violin and piano, which require instruments we cannot afford.
This would be so amazing to help me cover all the costs of our first year of homeschooling!
What a blessing! Thanks for the opportunity!
Winning would allow me to purchase all the extra curriculum items that I’d like to get, but aren’t within my budget. It would also allow me to purchase curriculum for next year as well.
Winning this will help with buying curriculum! 🙂
We’re in the process of refurbishing our house, so money is extremely tight this year. This $500 would ease the burden of our homeschooling expenses.
Winning this giveaway would be such a blessing, we were faced with unplanned medical bills that was not covered by insurance. It would be a tremendous blessing to take care of them 🙂
This would really be a blessing if I could win this. I am still trying to get the rest of our curriculum and I would love to get out of debt, etc. With so many people, I don’t think I have much of a chance, but I think it would help a lot. Thanks for offering it. I’ve enjoyed your posts. 🙂
Winning this giveaway would be such a blessing to our family right now. I am new to homeschooling and have been piecing together the Sonlight curriculum. I would also love to be able to sign our son up for some type of sport and/ or music class, but we don’t have it in our budget at the moment. We are struggling not to lose our house but would also like to bless a good friend of ours with books to use in their homeschooling journey. My dear friend’s husband is in seminary so they don’t have a large budget either and I would love to be able to help them, too.
I just liked your facebook page! I was especially touched by your blog post, “Cyberbullying is not just a middle-school problem” having been a victim of it myself (as an adult).
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
It would bless us by funding music lessons.
Being a one income family is difficult when it comes time for purchasing curriculum. It would be such a blessing to win thithis giveaway!
Amazing giveaway!
We really need this ?
We would use this money to buy the next level curriculum we need after we finish this one.
It would be such a blessing for us to finish up buying our curriculum for our 6 children and fund piano lessons. Thanks so much for the chance! 🙂
Money is very tight right now, while waiting on our old house to close and still carrying to mortgages in the meantime. It would help keep our head above water while we’re under this extra burden, on top of medical bills from having a new baby.
This would go a long ways toward rebuilding our home school curriculum and library! We just moved from Oregon to Texas and had to pack lightly so a lot of our stuff stayed in Oregon.
Thank you for this chance. We had the dreaded call today for employment termination. I am only in need of a few things left to piece together a Core and, second grade reading and La and 6th grade math and la. Any money left will go towards a friend who is also unemployed and homeschooling.
It would help us out tremendously! It has been a very tight year financially.
Since I am also paying for part of my education, winning will bless my family to purchase the additional items we still need.
What a blessing it will be to the homeschooler that wins this giveaway!
this would help us to pay down some bills!
Winning this would be a blessing by paying for the remainder of our curriculum and freeing up our budget for co-op tuition.
This would help our family so much
This idea brought tears to my eyes. I am constantly reminded of the financial sacrifice of homeschooling-through car repairs and neglected dental needs. The Lord provides. This $500 will make someone’s day! Thanks for such a thoughtful deed
With 6 kids at home, there are always more books and supplies that we need. 🙂
This would bless us by being able to purchase most of our curriculum for this upcoming school year.
One salary household but totally worth it!
This would be such a blessing to my family! We could get all those last minute little things for our homeschool that no matter how hard we try or much we save, we never seem to have enough!! Thank you for the chance!!
This would be a big help since we are just starting out!
This would help us gather some much needed science experiment materials that we need.
I would use it to buy living books for school, pay for gymnastics class for my daughter, and/or help pay for a homebirth for our 3rd if we are blessed in that way this year.
This would be a wonderful blessing to us! We just moved back from overseas and have had to start completely fresh with everything. It has not been the easiest transition, and $500 would be a huge blessing!!!
My Little Bit loves the violin and this would help pay for those lessons. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
This would indeed be a blessing! We would use this to pick up those little enhancements to our curriculum, because all our budget could stretch was the bare minimum. We’d also work on growing our very meager home library! Thanks for the chance to win!
With 6 kids, I reuse a lot of curriculum; but winning this would be such a blessing towards buying the consumable items and other expenses that inevitably come. This is such a generous giveaway – thanks for sharing!
This money would bless our family so much! I would be able to get the rest of our homeschooling wishlist taken care of. We would get a globe, a year pass to our local zoo, a ton of books, and more! Thanks for the chance!
It would be a blessing since we have added a second child to homeschooling this year and that means more curriculum to buy.
My three children have three different learning styles. Which means I have to piece together what works, normally this means a more unschooling feel to our school. But buying books and games, and projects they need to keep them on this journey can get expensive. This would be such a blessing.
It would help since we stepped out on faith and I quit my job in May to homeschool. (I tried working part time our first year of homeschooling and it was hard and our days lacked structure and were more often stresseful than not). This summer since quitting my job our AC broke, my van needed repairs and our dishwasher went out.
We had the A/C and the van fixed. But I’m still washing dishes by hand! I would use the $500 to fix the dishwasher and put the rest in savings for the next rainy day!
Winning would be a huge blessing. My son and I have quite a number of food allergies, so that puts a bit of a strain on our budget. It would be nice to have a little extra to put into a bulk purchase, or some educational supplies or books. Thanks for this giveaway!
My husband’s been out of work, and he’s thankfully found a new job, but it involves a very major move! I can’t move all the accumulated art supplies or ancillary books. And another grade up involves buying new curriculum too! A little extra cash to cover those things would be great.
This would be a blessing because we are in a transitional time of our lives with a new baby on the way and an upcoming move within the next few months. 🙂
Winning this giveaway would cover at least a year of curriculum for our family! What a blessing 🙂
This would be such a blessing. Things are tight with medical bills (mine), curriculum for my daughter, and tiring to fit in extra curriculars for her. Thank you for the chance.
Ooh, this would be awesome! We began homeschooling Spring ’15, and went through the summer. I would love to be able to buy something to store all the books, workbooks, activities in. Thank you!
We would be able to afford to take some really neat field trips that have been put on the back burner, because of a tight budget.
What a generous giveaway!! Thank you for a chance to win!
It would be a blessing to us because we are expecting baby #4 any day now. We still have to purchase curriculum for the yr and a new vehicle to fit new baby in.
This would be such a blessing! We have had a lot of unexpected expenses lately. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
We have such a tight budget, it would be a huge blessing to win this!
It would help with some of the costs of books
This would be a tremendous help in finishing up supplies for the coming year. As an overseas stationed military family we have to order in most everything!
We are trying to finish paying our hospital bills for our newest little one, so this would be such a huge blessings!
This would be a blessing for us because we have six children, my husband works days and I work nights so that we can afford curriculum.
This is my first year homeschooling so I would love to win. I’m a little nervous but my boys are excited so hopefully it will go well.
Thank you for the giveaway – I know it will be a huge blessing to the winning recipient!
We would either use it for an extracurricular activity or save it for next years curriculum.
We would use the money to pay for music lessons! We are paid up for the first semester, but we have to re-up in December. Thanks for the give away! What a blessing!
Thank you for the chance to win! This would be amazing! 🙂
Winning this giveaway would bless our homeschooling family with living books to build up our homeschool library.
This is such a blessing!
With 4 kids this would be great with extra classes at the science center!!!
This would be such a blessing as my husband works full time plus to make homeschooling possible for us.
Right now we started some classes online, the language and guitar (that i cannot teach)
this would pay for the gas for our field trip out to colorado from florida !
What a great blessing for someone! Thanks for the opportunity to win 🙂
We have put ourselves in debt buying curriculum this year due to trying to adopt our grandson. It would be great to pay off the credit cards we used. Ty
This would be a true blessing because it would allow us to get some things that we just can’t afford right now.
I am homeschooling my son and daughter this year and the budget is tight to say the least. This money would be such a blessing for us to finish buying supplies and curriculum.
We have so many dr./hospital bills! And I just had surgery yesterday and it is unclear when I will be able to return to work.
Thanks for offering!
WOW thanks for the giveaway! This would be such a blessing for our family I could use some of the money for an iPad for my son who is 13 and has autism. I could also use some of the money on curriculum for my 15 year old daughter we are in need of a foreign language curriculum,
with 8 kids any amount would help with supplies, books, and extras!!!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Awesome giveaway! This would bless our family by allowing us to enroll in gymnastics and Kindermusik classes!
We are a single income family with 4 boys. Winning this giveaway would mean our boys could get involved in sports and other extracurricular activities, something we can’t afford at the moment.
My husband just started a new job and my Mom just moved in with us. This would really help with curriculum and supplies!
As a stay at home homeschooling mom, this giveaway will be of very great help for us, from purchasing curriculum and school materials, to paying bills… Thanks very much for doing this! May God bless you and your family!
This would give me some extra money to suppliment and add to our supplies!
My husband is working and finishing up his nursing degree, and I’m homeschooling our children and working on starting up a small home business. Winning this money would help buy shoes and clothes for our kiddos, or help with groceries.
To afford extras and get some stuff for my preschooler.
This would help us prepare as this is our first year homeschooling and I am lost with little funds.
Wow, what a great giveaway! That would be a huge blessing to win!!
This would be so awesome to win! We are in the first stages of homeschooling. We have our curriculum and we are just starting it. So at this point, we would be able to pick up some fun extras that I keep coming across, as well as some fun things for our 2.5 year old to be able to work on while we work on Kindergarten with our son. Currently we are doing stickers, letters, and numbers with our youngest, but I would love to pick up a bunch of hands on activities to keep her preoccupied!!
Thanks for this giveaway. Someone will be greatly blessed!
What a help this would be! Thanks for the giveaway!!
This giveaway would pay for our homeschooling curriculum
What a blessing this will be for one family! If we were to win, I would use it to purchase my 10th grader’s math curriculum and expensive calculator he needs for the program. I would also be able to purchase our history/bible/geography curriculum that I use for all 5 of our kiddos.
This would pay for our curriculum and lots of books!
Winning would enable us to travel a bit – there are so many places my kids haven’t seen; learning about our region is a very important part of homeschooling for us.
Excellent giveaway!! Thank you so much! I LOVE Usborne!
We would be able to pay for some of the extracurricular activities our kids are interested in. Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to get some pricey special needs items I’ve had my eye on.
It would bless us investing in more field trips 🙂
Or maybe a laptop computer!
It would be a huge blessing to win this money. We are in a very tight spot and it would help buy curriculum and supplies that the girls need. Thank you for this opportunity!!
This prize would go toward the gymnastics classes my kids have been asking (nagging) me about.?
This would bless me so much! I am a single homeschool mom, working my own business from home. This would help pay for some basic needs, as well as violin and art lessons.
This would be a great blessing to win. We have struggled with paying down our debt since 2008 when my husband was out of work for 7 months. I would be great to make a big dent in it and get back on the road to being debt free. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would be able to buy some new supplies, rather than 2nd hand.
Wowzers! This is a great giveaway! Someone will defintely be blessed!!! We would love to win also, my hubby has hurt his Knee at work and hasnt been able to work for 10 months now! So we are praying like we have never prayed before through this trying time. Good Luck to all who enter!
Winning this would bless my new to homeschooling family by taking some of the financial pressure off my husband while providing a great curriculum for our children. Not only does he work 2 jobs to make this happen for us, he is also going back to school to further his own education. He is a blessing to us and I thank God every day for giving me a wonderful husband who provides for his family.
This would bless our family by allowing me to purchase some of the curriculum I saw but couldn’t swing the cost of. It would also allow me to buy some of the supplies we need for our classroom. We have had a rough year, my husband was unemployed for most of the year, but know God will provide for us. Blessings to you all.
Winning this giveaway would mean. A better education for my 6 children. And perhaps some edu toys to keeo my toddler busy so we can have school. Thanks
cant tell ya what that would mean. Sent oldest to school because we didnt feel we could get him all he needed, he has some learning disabilities. Still homeschooling 3 of our younger ones.
Thank you for this giveaway. I’d use it to finish buying curriculum we just couldn’t afford.
Winning this giveaway would give my children opportunity to explore their interest through the purchase of books they would choose. Thanks.
This would help our homeschool so much!!
It would be a blessing to win this! Things have been tight this year after several moves and medical expenses. Thanks for blessing a homeschool family with this giveaway!
This is our 1st year of homeschooling and I had no idea how pricey it can be so this would be such a blessing to win! Thanks for the opportunity!
This would be such a huge blessing. We could finish buying our curriculum, get a museum membership, and go on some field trips. This would be such a huge blessing!
As a missionary family our support is going down this year. We’re having to do a lot of making our own curriculum – which is sometimes great, but I’m struggling to find time to do this for all subjects. It would be beyond hope and help if I could buy some ready made resources for some subjects, and fit out the art and stationery too!
I would use the money to buy the curriculum we need.
This is a great giveaway!! Thanks for team up and doing this for your readers!!
This would be wonderful to win! The prize would definitely help with our homeschool budget for this upcoming year! Thank you for the chance to win.
What a blessing this would be and will be to someone !! Thank you so much 🙂 Blessings ~ amy
Oh, how I’d love to win! This money would be such a blessing to our homeschool. I’ve had stuff in a wish list that I haven’t been able to buy for such a long time now (like a microscope). This would help!
ThanKS for your constant insights! I am always encouraged by your ideas and suggestions!
Such a nice giveaway! It would be a blessing because I could buy some curriculum for my kids that I’ve been wanting to but can not afford. But I’m glad it will bless someone!
We are so covered up with medical bills that we haven’t been able to buy curriculum.
Thanks for a great giveaway! This would be awesome for some new science tools! We are hands on science learners and have a long list of things we would love to get.
This will definitely be a blessing to my son who has special needs. It’s difficult (and oftentimes expensive) to get materials for his homeschooling…
This would be such a blessing to win this! We still have curriculum to buy for the upcoming school year but we haven’t been able to purchase it all yet. Thank you for the contest!!
Oh wow! This is the biggest giveaway I’ve ever seen! Someone is going to be so blessed by it!
This giveaway would be a blessing to our family because, what homeschooler couldn’t use $500? : ) No seriously, I really would love to out my kids in some kind of sport/extra curricular so they can get out more and move. We are home a lot b/c mama runs a home daycare so we are always home 4 days a week with that. However I’d love to get them involved in something physical on a regular basis and sports can be expensive. Thank you so much!
With $500 we’d be able to purchase curriculum my girls would like to do for fun, rather than just the essentials.
I would love to be able to enroll my kids in some fun classes to round out their homeschool experience.
This would definitely be a blessing to our family. I would probably use it for instruments and music lessons.
We could use the $500 to pay for music therapy for our two adopted daughters.
The funds would allow me to add some perks here and there throughout the year plus pay for a few of our essentials. .that were almost forgotten.
This will bless my family with needed school supplies and curriculum for our homeschool
My husband and I are disabled veterans and although we both get a check for our disabilities from social security and small checks from the Veteran’s Administration those checks don’t go vary far after we pay our monthly utility bills. Our family would be SO blessed to win this giveaway because we haven’t been able to afford to purchase a curriculum to teach our son history or science for the year yet. Since he’s a kinetic learner, we usually have to find just the right curriculum and pick up extras for hands-on activities. If we can find more of a unit study instead of the usual hum drum curriculum, that’s what we try to get. If not, we end up having to get extra activities on the side. Since we also pick up used books from, to enhance our son’s learning experience for so many subjects, we would also be able to pick up a few books for English, History, Geography, and possibly science too. The reason we purchase books over borrowing from the library is that our son has a very bad habit of just dropping anything he’s done with wherever he’s used them, we’ve had to pay for a book or two from the library and their prices for the books are SO expensive! Although the books could be years old and used a lot, they require you to pay the original price for their books! We just can’t afford to do that with our budget while we can pick up books from Better Wold Books for $3-$4 each!
This would be a blessing to my family as I would love to purchase some new manipulatives, books, and supplies for our Three Littles!!!
We would use it to help pay for Math curriculum and Poetry curriculum.
This woudl be a huge blessing for building a library for my son. He loves to read!
I need to buy some speacialized cirriculum, and the total cost is adding up.
We have our basics covered but cash to be able to afford extras like gym time, field trips, and music would be great.
This would help us so much with paying for curriculum for our 9th grade honors level daughter!
Thank you for the giveaway, very generous and kind. Love the homeschool community.
Winning this would bless my family so that my children could do extra curricular (karate and dance).
This would bless our family in a HUGE WAY! After 3 years of homeschooling one way, we have decided to switch course completely and try something new. We are going with more of a Charlotte Mason/Eclectic type of method you might say.
Heart of Dakota, Five In A Row, All About Reading, All About Spelling, and more! We are changing our math, science, everything. Our printer just bit the dust too. Talk about horrible timing haha!
It is kind of daunting gearing away from what has been the norm, but it is exciting to try something new for our family! Not too mention, these new decisions are not cheap… But we took a leap of faith! 🙂
Also, the last two years we have been super blessed with a donor to help our daughter be able to take dance. She has special needs and was told she probably wouldn’t even walk until she was 5. Well, she blew that out of the water and at 8-years-old she LOVES dance and does well at it!
This is the first year we have not had a donor, so she will not be able to participate in dance. We just do not have the funds, especially with starting an entire new curriculum. Dance starts in just a few weeks, so this would be the most generous blessing!
Winning this would allow us to have a subscription to the Science Center & the Aquarium again- AND afford to pay for parking while using them.
What a blessing this would be as I am planning curriculum for 4 kids – all spread out at different levels and styles of learning.
This would enable our family to pay for extra therapies (for our special needs child) and/or extracurricular subjects (for our other child). Thank you for this opportunity!
Just added an addition to our house –this would come in very handy.
With me being a stay at home mom who is going to school full time, this would help with getting everything in order to start homeschooling this month. I have been slowly getting the supplies that I need but it is a work in progress financially. This would be such a blessing. Thank you for the opportunity.
It would be great to have 500 to buy things that we really need but i did not have the money for.
What a great idea! Homeschoolers pay for their child’s education even though in our state we still pay property taxes to cover funding to our schools. Thanks for the great idea of helping out a family.
This would help in so many ways! We would be able to pay for annual testing required by our state, as well as purchase some resources and supplies that are needed for our day to day schoolwork. Thanks for this opportunity!
Thank you for offering this giveaway! I’ll be nice to actually buy some curriculum this year.
Thank you for this generous giveaway!
This would be quite a blessing. This has been a very difficult year for our family but i’m very happy that we are all together and blessed in that. We have been struggling with how to allow our daughter to pursue her dream for skating lessons. She is very good but the costs is difficult, especially in light of our last year. This would allow us to enroll her and move forward with this. Thank you for the giveaway, i’m sure it will bless whatever family is blessed to win.
Thanks for the giveaway! It would help with our needs for schooling!
It seems I enter everything and haven’t won yet. Maybe this is it?
We are brand new to homeschooling, trying to figure everything out! $500 would be so helpful for our family!
Due to illnesses this last year, we don’t have the money to pay for extras like music, sports or field trips, so this would be a huge blessing
Thanks for the giveaway! Winning would be a tremendous blessing. We will be joining a different support group next school year for high school and will need a variety of resources. Winning this giveaway would help up stock up on those resources.
This would be a wonderful blessing to receive. With four children some with learning disabilities and some gifted, it would be nice to be able to purchase special extras that would enhance their learning experience. Thanks for all who contributed!
This would be a tremendous help. My husband is starting his own business and we are doing everything to stretch out our funds. I could buy new curriculum without feeling guilty!
It will help us pay for next year’s curriculum!!!!!
What an amazing blessing this will be to whoever wins! Good luck to everyone!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I would love to get a new computer for the family.
Would help finance high school materials. Tough 4 years in our household; job, health, homes. Would be such a blessing!
This would bless our family by allowing my daughter to participate in swim lessons or dance and for our son to get some better adaptive equipment.
Thanks for the giveaway! This would be SOOOO helpful to win!
I have the joy of teaching my grand daughter this year and need to get more current teaching aides.Thanks so much for the chance!
I would love to win this. We have a few more things we need curriculum wise that are just not in the budget right now. I would also use it towards some of next years curriculum as well.
Winning this giveaway would bless my family so much. I am a single mom with two high school daughters. I have had major medical issues this past year and am left permanently disabled and unable to work. We are on public assistance and trying to find ways to afford curriculum. God is good. He has called me to homeschool. He will provide. Maybe through this giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win!! $500 would be so helpful with homeschooling our 7 kids!! Money is so tight for everyone these days, especially for our family. It has been years since we have been able to afford any real curriculum!!
I just love your blog! You are an inspiration for me!!
this would bless our family because we dont have money for music lessons this year.
Extra money would be awesome for our family right now. Our budget is tight and I have smart-shopped as much as possible but there are some things I need that I cannot find discounted. Also, my daughter wants to join a small group of other homeschool girls to take Spanish from a local lady who is fluent and this would give me the money to buy her book and pay for the class. Thank you for the opportunity.
Winning this would be a blessing for sure as my husband has been out of work for 4 months and we have NO money beyond barely making our meager bills each month, barely. We have been stuck in the house for weeks at a time only to venture out to the grocery store. We are definitely getting cabin fever here ! Winning this $500 would allow us to have some homeschool field trip fun which we have never been able to do before.
What a great give away!! Thank you!
What a great giveaway and I know most of us homeschool moms can make $500 go along way towards an amazing school year! Field trips come to mind?! And also, having three boys, sports are very expensive but much loved. I have a swimmer who would love to be registered in a year-round league!
Winning this would be a huge blessing. My husband had been out of work for 2 years and just was blessed with a permanent job!
Like so many others, this would be such a blessing for our family ; )
Like many other families, winning this giveaway will be a blessing to our family! Winning the $500 will allow us to make our school room more organized and “put together.” It will also allow us to purchase some additional curriculum materials that we have held off on due to financial constraints.
What an awesome opportunity you are offering! Thank you!
We are embarking on our first year of homeschooling. this would be such a blessing toward all of the expenses! Thank you for taking the time to do this for us!
It would be fun to do more arts and crafts!
Our family would be blessed to be able to replace an unreliable computer with one that doesn’t crash constantly.
We would be able to buy the books we need to round out our CM library.
Wow! This will help me payoff our tuition cost!! Thanks for the chance of winning 😉
With four kids, winning this would be a huge blessing! We always struggle at the beginning of the school year since we have to buy so many books! Thank you!
We are buying our curriculum plus another family’s curriculum. It would be a blessing to both our families for God to bless us with this giveaway. Both families have kindergartners, so we have had to purchase double of everything. I thank God that He is our Source and He will provide for us and if He wants to use this giveaway to get to us what we need, I thank Him for it. God Bless you!!!
Winning $500 would bless us in several ways. I’d be giving, saving and spending the money. The saving would go toward our emergency savings fund, the giving to the church and I’d likely spend it on books, art/craft supplies and some on food – I’m have a large list of bulk-purchase items I’d like to have.
This would bless us most by helping towards a new laptop we just had to purchase (to run software curriculum) and by allowing us to continue tennis lessons for both kids. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
We are new to homeschooling and this would be wonderful to win. It would also allow for our son to participate in a sports program.
It would be such a blessing for my little ones! I lost my job this past year when our foster son, who is now our adopted son, was in and out of the hospital with a brain bleed that just wouldn’t stop. I chose to be with him and my job reduced my hours and then eventually just let me go. I was the one who brought most of the money home so money has been very tight, but we made the decision that it was best that I stay home with my children at this point. This is my first year homeschooling, and I believe it is the best decision for our other adopted son who has Sensory Processing Disorder. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Thank you for this website! The cash giveaway would be such a blessing to our family! Despite following a budget, we are stretched thin on one income. I don’t want to give up homeschooling my son in order to go back to work.
This would allow us to finish buying some curriculum and other aids for school. Thanks for the giveaway it will truly help some family.
$500 is a lot of money which would be used so wisely to make sure my son has what he needs to get started in school!
With one student in college, one in high school, and one in middle school, our resources are stretched tight. If we win, $500 would be a huge blessing for our family. If we don’t win, I know it will be a huge blessing for another family. 🙂
There are always things homeschoolers need! We could pay for curriculum and I would love to be able to “gift” some of it to a fellow homeschoolers that I’m aware of who could use it!:)
This would such a blessing because finances are tight on one income, but love being able to give our son the best, he’s autistic and really benefits from the one on one time.
Starting our third child in homeschool this year. This would be a big blessing. Thank you for this giveaway.
Winning this giveaway would be a blessing to our family because it would help me to buy Christmas presents for my extended family and friends without worry or exceeding our budget.
This would be a blessing for us because I still have some items to purchase for the America the Beautiful curriculum & we have a daughter having surgery this week that we have to travel for.
Winning this would make it possible to ensure we find a lesson plan for our 7 year old boy with Asperger’s. We have 2 other children we homeschool, ages 6 and 12.
What a wonderfully generous offer you all have put together, and mere words can not describe what a blessing this would be for our family.
Thank You,
this would bless our family with helping to take care of some medical bills
It would be a blessing of course, as budget just got tighter. I’m homeschooling unexpectedly again as we adopted a young child after raising 2 sons and homeschooling through high school! I appreciate your website and other affiliate links as I need “refreshing”!!
Reading the comment section above reminds me that our family in Christ all have burdens and afflictions to bear. Chronic illness in just one of the many, but it does affect every aspect of a family’s life. This year we once again had to turn to the credit card to pay for our chance to be a part of Classical Conversations, though I do tutor to recoup that cost. Without the support of the homeschool community such as CC, our homeschooling experience was miserable with Mom working full time and Dad barely functioning. So, paying off the major car repairs that could have come from the CC fund would be a huge blessing. Apologies to Dave Ramsey here. We pray like crazy for our needs, but still end up with credit card debt.
Winning this would help me get more supplies for my daughter to take the next step in homeschooling, plus help out with some bills. Only have one income and it is not reliable at this point, and husband is trying to get a new job.
This would bless us by being able to buy good quality curriculum for our family, I would be able to buy some of the general homeschooling books that I’ve wanted to buy such as the Well Trained Mind.
I would put the money in our home school fund. I am just starting out so I really don’t know exactly what direction we will go and am trying many different styles and methods so it can get expensive. It would be such a blessing not to have to worry some on where the money will come from to get the supplies we need for different projects.
We would be able to buy some resources we need. Money for school was scarce this year.
Thank you for putting together this opportunity!
There are some homeschool curriculum that I have on my wishlist that I would like to purchase for my 3 kiddos. 🙂
Homeschooling is the way to go. My daughter is starting school and our district home school is horrible. My daughter is a sponge and yet so strong willed but influenced as well. I will need to homeschool her until she is stable and firm foundation. Both my husband and i are unemployeed and i will be needing 2 surgeries and wont be able to drive the kids. Taking the bus around here especially only being able to go to the bad school is out of the question. I have already taught my daughter the basics plus some reading and mathematics before age 5. She is at her own pace and with homeschooling she does VERY well. The homeschool money will help us continue furthering her education properly.
This is our first year homeschooling, and most people recommend going for a complete curriculum in order to ease into the process. Due to budget constraints, that just was not an option. So, we’re going the eclectic route to begin. The $500 would be a blessing for our family because it would allow me to get two more books to round out our homeschooling curriculum, while also affording us the opportunity to provide her with something she has been dreaming of doing since she was 6…violin lessons. Anything left over, would go towards curriculum for next year.
Thank you so much for reaching out to the homeschooling community and blessing someone in it. I’ve been impressed with everyone I’ve met in this new adventure.
It’s hard to explain how $500 would bless our family. From the homeschool aspect it would be a blessing to be able to purchase a computer or iPad the children could use for school.
This giveaway would help us buy our curriculum for the year. My husband and I both work and I am also attending nursing school. This money would help us out so much. Thank you for the chance to win!!
Winning this prize would be phenomenal! We’re six weeks into our school year and I feel we need to completely change math curriculums. I’m also in need of piano teaching assistance. After having tried, for three years, I’m ready to outsource that class.
I would be so blessed by this giveaway! Homeschooling is a sacrifice financially for our family, but so important to us.
Thank you for this giveaway. If we won, it could help our family in many ways. We could get much needed bookshelves and/or use it towards extracurricular activities such as swim and dance. Thanks again!
Replace a broken computer, finish the reading nook, the list is endless 🙂
To be able to win this prize would bless my family in so many different ways! We would be able to pay off our homeschool groups tuition and then be able to purchase our kids cirriculum for the year! We have a 1,3 and 5 grader this year!
There are sacrifices to be made with the commitment to homeschool in even the least expensive ways and it would be amazing to receive an unexpected blessing that helps us prepare for next school year.
This would be amazing to receive right now. It will be a blessing to whoever God plans to give it to. Thank you for letting God use you to bless others. 🙂
Wow, reading through all of these comments is humbling!
For our family, $500 would mean bills paid off which would allow me the freedom to focus on homeschooling.
This would be a wonderful way to help pay down some medical bills. I would also be able to purchase the science curriculum that I’ve been eyeing. Thank you for the opportunity, this will be great for someone!
There are so many things I would love to be able to provide my daughter with, but finances are always challenging. This giveaway would allow me to do some of those things that otherwise don’t make the cut.
Thank you for the giveaway!
This would help fund some amazing field trip experiences.
The cost of books and program tuition is so expensive, this would be so helpful.
This would be a blessing to us, because we are adding a 3rd blessing to our home at the end of September and it would be lovely to get a few things for all the kids for development/clothes/updating worn items. Thanks for the chance!
Winning $500 would be a huge blessing! I am still purchasing curriculum for this year and will need to purchase more in a couple of months as we finish up some subjects.
We would be able to set some money aside for educational field trips and extra manipulatives and plenty more reading material.
We could use the extra cash to buy a lot of books and supplies.
Wow, this would be a tremendous blessing! Financially strained right now but trusting our heavenly Father to provide what we need.
With 5 of our 7 kids homeschooling, this giveaway would go a long way in rounding out our curriculum for this year. Thanks for this great giveaway!
God Bless you for such a generous giveaway and encouraging home educating families!
I would use this to pay for curriculum that I have already purchased on my credit card. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
My twins are partially home-schooled, partially at school for services as they are delayed in speech.
What a blessing this would be. It is our first year of homeschooling, so we are still trying to figure out how to make it all work.
I have a running wishlist of curriculum and books for my 2 girls, and we always love craft/drawing supplies!
It would help to buy Pre-K son’s curriculum and needed supplies.
I would love to win this for my grandsons. My DIL is homeschooling her 7 young boys. My son works really hard and is also a volunteer Chaplain in the county and juvenile jails. This would help them tremendously.
We need to make some repairs on our home, and winning this would be a huge blessing to help pay for some of those. Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!
This money would bless my family by helping us pay off our vet bill. Biggest vet bill I’ve ever seen but it saved my cats life.
Thanks for the contest! I can’t even imagine having $500 to spend on school supplies.
What A Wonderful Blessing This Would Be!
We ate going through a very hard time financially. This would be so awesome to win.
7 kids. Nuff said.?
We’d join our community center for 10 months! It’s $50 a month we don’t have and it offers so many day time activities for homeschoolers!
This will bless my family by relieving the financial of homeschooling on one income.
Thank you so much for thinking of your readers and for being so happy to bless us! May the Lord continue to pour into your life, so you can continue to pour out His abundant love.
Thanks for doing this. Extra curricular activities are never a part of our budget, and I’d love to do something special this year.
I almost feel bad about this because I am sure there are homeschool families hurting way more financially than we are, but it would be super helpful to our family. We switched to a health savings plan grade on our insurance and have had some out-of-pocket expenses with more to come, as well as some other expenses. We would use this to buy some curriculum and materials as well as some extracurricular activities like swim lessons. We hope we win but God bless to whoever does! This is an exciting contest!
If we were to win. I could finish purchasing school items and put some food in the fridge. It would bless us! Thanks for the chance.
Thank you for providing such great content on your blog. Thanks also for the homeschool cash giveaway. What an exciting contest!
This would help my wife and I get some needed programs and apps and other educational materials for my 5 year old son who’s on the Autism Spectrum.
We’re missionaries in Africa and don’t have a decent library to go to, so winning this giveaway would allow us to stock up on not only curricula but also books that can be a resource for our kids and teammates’ kids.
My dad is really sick and has no life insurance. So we are going to start making payments on his cremation. This would help so much with that.
This would be great to get a computer. My high schooler is having trouble getting some of his work done because ours is barely working.
Scrolling through the comments, it seems that so many others also deserve the blessing of this giveaway! We are in the same boat – money is tight and there are many ways that we could use the funds. Thank-you for this opportunity!
This would really be a blessing for my daughters. I home school from used books and several internet cites. I have not been able to by any material other than paper and pencils. It would really be great to be able to buy items we need for completing science projects. Thanks for providing the opportunity.
This giveaway would be such a blessing! Our finances got cut in half recently. It would really help purchase the rest of the curriculum and supplies we need for this upcoming year. Thank you for this great giveaway.
It would be a blessing to us. We would likely look to pay it forward and work to bless another homeschool family too. So many are struggling.
This would really be a blessing to us as we have many financial challenges right now.
This would help us fill in some extra school supplies/curriculum. Thanks for the chance!
This is awesome! If I could win this I would buy more school things and curriculum, pay for extra activities for them and maybe get a jump on a few Christmas presents. Otherwise, these things wont happen. It would be a blessing for sure.
Our family serves overseas in Asia. Funds are limited, as is suitcase space. I’d love to put this towards quality curriculum that we couldn’t otherwise afford!
Winning this giveaway would enable our family to homeschool even in the midst of turmoil & tribulations. My dd has serious health issues and my dh has been disabled for many years. We’ve encountered one setback after another but God has always been faithful to meet our immediate needs 🙂
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
we have delayed starting school this year because I have not been able to finish purchasing our curriculum. This would more than cover it and I would gladly hand the rest off to a friend who is in the same boat as me.
It would bless us tremendously right now. My husband is not working and buying curriculum is next to impossible!
This is such a great giveaway ! It would help tremendously with expenses. Thank you!!
Thanks for this! Curriculum is expeeeensive!
We’re in the midst of moving and finances are tight.
Winning this giveaway would help my family to purchase our school books and some things to keep our little ones busy while the older children are doing school. Thanks for doing this giveaway, what giving hearts you ladies have, God bless you!
This will make the difference between getting new curriculum or not. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
It would allow our family to purchase books and supplies. Thank you!
Winning $500 for our homeschool would be amazing! It would allow us more experiences as a family. Our time together is the most precious thing! Thanks for doing this giveaway! I know this will be a wonderful blessing to whoever it comes to. 🙂
Our family would be so blessed for sure with this gift. 🙂 What fun it would be to win!
I’d sign my kids up for the horseback riding lessons that my daughter has been dreaming about!
This would bless us with the ability to afford the Curriculum we are wanting. We are looking into Christian Light and can’t afford it with the husband not being able to work and I work as an asst. manager @ a retail store. This would be a complete blessing.
What a blessing! This would bless us by buying my (first!) 4th and 7th grade curriculum (my 1 yo baby no need any curriculum ,yet) because we always use some used books and doing picking free materials on internet. And.. this is like dream come true, we will buy our little booth to start our little bussiness at front of our house because we still struggling with financial as single mom. Thanks for give this big dream.
It would allow me to buy the lesson books I want to use
Winning would be a HUGE blessing to our family. We are homeschooling for PREK and Kinder this year plus we are helping my Mom buy curriculum for my Niece and Nephew that she takes care of full-time. It would be wonderful to be able to get everything they need.
What a blessing, thank you!
This would help us pay off some medical bills we have which would be a huge blessing!
This would be a huge blessing for us. I’m a single mom and right now trying to figure out how to pay our property taxes & keep our home. We need just under $500 to pay them, so the rest would go towards needed school books.
This would help us afford good curriculum. Thank you.
I don’t know how so many homeschooling moms have time to create and maintain a blog in addition to all that is involved in schooling their children and maintaining a household, BUT…..I follow many of them, and am blessed by each one. Thank you for giving so much of your time to inspire others!!
My husband works 2 jobs to allow me to stay home & homeschool our kids. This would be such a blessing to ease his burden somewhat. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I am thankful that we’re blessed to be able to homeschool but on one income things get a little tight, especially at back-to-school time so any extra is always helpful and welcome. 🙂
We could finish paying off a medical bill!
How awesome is this!! Thank you!!
It would bless us by covering our electric bill and some extra room in our food budget. Four kids don’t eat cheap, especially healthy!
We have much to be thankful for … but extra cash is always a blessing. 🙂 My oldest daughter (23 years) is a missionary in Taiwan. We only get to see her approximately once a year or so. We are trying to save enough money to bring her home this Christmas for a visit. Like a lot of others our budget is already tight. I still could use a few items for school and my younger daughter would love to take violin lessons. Thanks for the chance to win.
Winning this give away would be a huge blessing on our family! We would be able to finish buying the curriculum we need and help pay for our homeschool co-op fees, and traveling expenses to and from our co-op.
Thank you so very much for this great opportunity! This is such a blessing that you are giving another family. You are amazing!!!!
If I Won, I would bless my sister and niece and nephews with this win. It would be a huge blessing to them, and me, to be able to help them with school supplies, school equipment for their school room, and perhaps a bill here and there. Thank you for the opportunity!
This would bless my family by providing us to purchase a few things we could use for homeschooling like a bookshelf, counters, certain books, and lots of paper.
This would allow us to get some of the extras we want to get but are unable to do. It would also allow me to get the items we will be needing soon for school.
This would help us to get out of medical debt. It would make our home much happier with not having to worry about where $500 dollars will come from to pay for these expenses. Thanks for the oppportunity!
My husband lost his job. Winning this would allow us to purchase our homeschool curriculum for the next year and pay a bill or two.
I keep hoping to be able to earn the money through blogging and writing, but I have not been successful yet….
Thank you
Winning this giveaway would help me give my children the education they deserve
Homeschooling can be a bit pricey when it comes to supplies, field trips, memberships, etc. It’s worth it but a little bit of help would be welcomed! thanks!
Winning this would be a blessing for our homeschooling family because trying to keep things fun and exciting can get very expensive!
Winning this contest would enable us to furnish our new school room!
We are in such an interesting time for our family, that winning this giveaway would be a huge blessing to our family! My husband is in college full time, trying to finish a 2 year degree early so he can find a job that will actually be able to support our family, in the mean time we are living on my disability pay and I’m tutoring so my kids can be part of a CC Community. Just having a breather to buy school supplies for my (4) preschool through college students would be amazing!
Winning this giveaway would bless my family by helping to fill the gaps in our curriculum, but also to be able to bless others as needed!!
Winning this giveaway would help buy books that we can’t find in our local (small) library as well as science supplies.
Thank you for the opportunity to win. Winning this would be a tremendous blessing for our family.
$500 would be the blessing that allows us to buy the “fun” stuff for our kids, the things that are educational and inspire greater learning but are not our core curriculum. Thank you for the chance!
I would love to win this. I work for a traveling carnival and home school tutor” several students and I desperately need some spelling and math resources.
Winning this would allow my children to attend an outdoor program once a week.
It would be such a help to pay for curriculum for our 7 children!
I have 2 high schoolers, $500 would definitely come in handy and help go towards a curriculum purchase that was out of our reach and budget.
This would be a huge blessing!
love your blog thank you so much for the contest
may God continue to bless you and your family!
winning would allow the kids to participate in some extracurricular activities
What a blessing it would be to win. I have stopped working full time to homeschool, and it has been quite a stretch of our budget. God has been faithful, and will continue to be, I believe!
This would bless our family of 7 kids (6 at home). We have homeschooled for years and the costs just keep getting more (as the kids become the age to start schooling). We would use this to help with buying curriculum and paying bills. Thank you for blessing a family. No matter what, God continues to provide.
Great giveaway! I still have a few books on my wishlist for the school year, so that would be the first blessing if I won. Money is tight in general right now, so I’d use the rest to pay some bills and help my daughter buy a new guitar.
Winning this would help us afford curriculum and (extras we can’t usually afford) for years. Thanks for this giveaway!
With two SN kids and a builder who did bad work we are stuck repairing in our home this would help tremendously.
With homeschooling five children and limited income, this would be a blessing to our family!
After moving across the country, this would help re-supply the broken supplies we need. Thank you for such a generous give-away! 🙂
Winning this contest would allow us to purchase a tablet for using our ebooks and curriculum.
This is so kind of you. Thank you for doing something like this!
Thank you for offering this giveaway! It would bless our family by helping to pay off some medical bills so we can do more with the kids this year as we homeschool.
Thank you for offering this giveaway. I can use this to pay some of our medical bills and also complete pay for some of the books that we still need for school. Thank you again! May God’s will be done!
Being blessed with the money would allow us to buy our curriculum for the year. It has been a very difficult financial year.
What a blessing it would be to win. Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway!
Thanks for the great resource & give away!
Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway!
This would be wonderful to use towards some activities for my daughter, thank you.
Winning this giveaway would be such a blessing to our family! We have a lot of medical debt because of my ongoing health issues so having this extra provision to be able to help out with school needs, curriculum, etc. as well as expensive lessons would be a great blessing for this year & if spent frugally years to come!
What a blessing this would be! After two years of major struggles and health issues, I almost had to put my children back in public school this year. God opened doors for us and we are praising Him for allowing us to continue our home education program.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Ah, the ever increasing curriculum! It never stops (it seems, ok I realize this is just the beginning of the year upfront costs) but this money would help get the supplies and curriculum needed! Thanks for doing this!
Still consider myself a noob at homeschooling as this is only my second year. I find I have a hard time making it fun enough for my eldest while trying to teach the youngest….
We are just starting our homeschool journey. Every little bit helps!
I will be beginning my first year of having my child learning from home. This money will make it possible to purchase him his own computer and headset. It will also pay for a couple of memberships to local museums and cover part of the costs for our internet service.
More curriculum! 🙂
Just found your blog…I think I’ll stay 😉
As a currently, no-income family, winning this giveaway would greatly help our homeschool. Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you for doing this giveaway! Winning would be a huge blessing right now. Struggles on one income are almost a certainty, but to make matters worse, our health insurance doubled this year and come January first, my husband won’t have a job anymore. I honestly don’t know what I would do with the money. I would probably keep it for gas money to take the kids to the library and field trips since I didn’t have money for gas to do any of that last year. If I may, I would like to ask for prayers. My husband is a police officer and hasn’t had any luck finding another job yet. Thank you and God bless 🙂
Winning this would mean I could purchase the remainder of our curriculum & be able to do some of the electives we have not been able to do in the past.
We are a one-income family like lots of homeshoolers and with our 16 year old now taking some college courses our school budget is stretched even tighter. Even though she has taken on a part-time job to help in addition to her volunteer work and her service work at our church, money is so tight. I have been dealing with several health issues that make things difficult as well. This would be such a help in making ends meet for all our children. Thank you for offering this contest to bless our homeschooling community!
This would cover the cost of some fun field trips & add lots of goodies to our home school collection. Thanks for the chance to win!
With a ninth grader (& a 6th grader) this year, we have had to buy more books than we thought. I know whoever wins the cash will be blessed to receive it.
No sad stories to tell 🙂 Just commenting that this is a really awesome giveaway! What a blessing!
We would use it for music lessons & field trips!
This giveaway would allow us to get curriculum for my child this year. I lost my job over a year ago due to a chronic illness, and have no income. My husband has to support me, 2 kids, 1 grandbaby, 2 dogs and 1 cat. Money is beyond tight. Thank you for the chance to enter.
This gift would be a huge blessing to us! We lost our home and most of our possessions to mold this summer which had been making me very sick for over a year and we didn’t know that was causing it. We lost all of our craft supplies and I have to start fresh. We have a 3.5 year old and 8 month old and I would love to start preschool with our oldest and get some new learning activities going for our youngest. Thank you for doing a giveaway to bless a homeschool mom!
Our one income family would be very blessed by being able to purchase needed books instead of scrounging for free resources!
Thank you for such a generous giveaway! We would be blessed by this gift to be able to purchase special needs curricula for my 5yo with autism. We have to educate her in a much more hands-on way than her older siblings, so we need to get some different materials.
Winning this would bless our family immensely. My husband runs his own business and we are currently funding a house build 100% out of our pockets on top of covering our living expenses. This would take a lot of pressure off of my husband.
Winning this would be a huge blessing to our family! I would love to be able to buy the curriculum that I know works for my kids instead of what I can “afford”. Thanks for this opportunity.
We would be so blessed to have the money to purchase what we need for homeschool. Thanks for this giveaway!
This would help us pay down some unexpected expenses we had this summer and give me a bit more time to find an income source I can achieve from home.
Winning this would be a blessing today, as my car broke down yesterday and the mechanic said it would be $500. My husband has been unemployed since Oct ’14. God has steadily provided for our family since that time. He is a faithful God who always provides. Thank you for your servant heart that would think of offering such a generous giveaway.
It would be a great blessing to win… Just got my curriculum for this year… which will mean cutting other expenses.
We were given a computer for schoolwork, but it needs a hard drive. This would get it up and running!
What an amazing opportunity ! Thanks for the chance 🙂
Winning would help us pay some bills!
Winning this giveaway would be a huge blessing for my three children as we engage ourselves deeper into the exploratory educational opportunities that homeschooling allows our kids to grow despite their physical disabilities which of course cut into our educational funds. It would be great to have money to do both more schooling and further explore the yet to be named illnesses that are plaguing their health daily.
This would be an incredible blessing to help pay for curriculum.
Thank you for such opportunity! I would spend this money for my sons therapies and education!!
As with many others posting~ finances are tight, so whoever wins, it will be a blessing! We would use it to make a dent in debt (Maybe start a snowball rolling?? 😉 ) and possibly set aside a portion for something fun (extra-curriculuar activity or supplies).
Im a sahm with an etsy business and my husband works ft. we have 2 littles to homeschool but materials cost a ton! this would be an incredible blessing to lift the financial burden!
Winning this would allow us to afford extras, like field trips and memberships, etc. Even our library card, as our town doesn’t have it’s own library. It would just be nice to have a kitty of cash to pull from for the extras, as we’ve pinched every penny to pay off a bunch of debt this summer with our seasonal business.
Huge blessing in just buying curriculum!
Thank You for the awesome giveaway!
This is a wonderful give-away. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. It would be a blessing because I haven’t got to order our curriculum yet because our family is tight. Although, it looks as though many who have commented could really use it. Thanks again.
It would help with books, bills, and supplies.
It would be a blessing to win this giveaway as it would enable us to purchase items we were not able to buy due to financial reasons.
We would use the money to pay for my daughter’s online school!
Winning would help us to pay bills. 🙂
Winning this would be a blessing because there are supplies I’m missing and unable to afford right now. I’ve recently become a single mom so extra money for school supplies is hard to come by.
I would you the money toward curriculum.