Thank you to Poise for sponsoring this post – all opinions are my own.
I am truly amazed by how God made the female body to carry and bring forth a new life. I have had 7 children and I am moved every. single. time.
Our body goes through so many wonderful changes in order to grow and bring forth a new life. Although some of the changes we experience to our bodies might not seem so wonderful.
There are the stretch marks, the post partum paunch that our stomach has become and no matter how many sit-ups we do just never seems to go away, the breast engorgement followed by saggy boobs, the weight gain, and my personal favorite my biggest battle – light bladder leakage.
After 7 kids, my bladder just isn’t the same as it once was. From sneezing to laughing to exercising off those pregnancy pounds, my bladder can’t always handle those normal activities like before. And forget about jumping on a trampoline with my kids.
Thankfully, Poise Microliners can help me out with this. Poise gives me the light bladder leakage protection that I need, unlike feminine care products.
These super thin liners feature SAM (Super Absorbent Material) to provide discreet light bladder leakage protection that helps me to stay dry and comfortable all day long as I go about my mommy duties. I already have enough people in my house that pee in their pants (I have 3 in diapers), I don’t need to add worrying about my own bladder control to the mix.
Poise Microliners are the thinnest liners in the light incontinence category and are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners.
If you are experiencing light bladder leakage, head over to the Poise website and try the new Poise Microliners for youself – for FREE.
Some of the changes our pregnant and post partum bodies experience are just temporary, and some are not. Some are tolerable and some can be fixed or remedied. But no matter what changes your body goes through to make you a mommy or to grow your family, they are so worth it.
It wasn’t until after my 4th baby that I came to terms with the fact that my body would never be the same as it was pre-babies. I finally saw my body as beautiful again.
My body is beautiful for the simple fact that it has given life to 7 little beings. And your body, no matter how many babies you have, is beautiful too.
You are beautiful momma. Don’t compare yourself to other moms. God made you special and God made YOU to carry YOUR babies, and for that, you are beautiful.